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Category: cats
101 Essential Tips: 3 New Books Available In Our Store
•We’re excited to introduce you to a new series of books by Dr. Jason Nicholas, founder of Preventive Vet. Dr. Nicholas, better known as “Dr. J,” a very well-respected veterinarian and expert in pet safety. He has traveled the world to share his knowledge and raise awareness about pet illness and emergency prevention. In 2011 he established Preventive Vet as a type of “one-stop shop” for online resources where pet owners can get reliable information from a variety of veterinary specialists, ranging from emergency practitioners to board-certified surgeons, oncologists, and even behaviorists. Dreamstime60 Preventive Vet’s mission is to help change the
Meet Alana Stevenson, Creator of “Feline Fundamentals” Webinars
•We are excited to offer new feline handling webinars by noted animal behaviorist Alana Stevenson. Alana has been helping dog and cat owners resolve their pets’ behavioral problems since early 2003. She is certified in Low Stress Handling for Dogs and Cats, is on the Cat-Friendly Practice Advisory Council for the American Association of Feline Practitioners, and is the author of two books on humane dog training and behavior modificatio: The Right Way the First Time: Teaching Your Dog Kindly & Humanely (2007) and Training Your Dog the Humane Way: Simple Teaching Tips for Resolving Problem Behaviors and Raising a Happy Dog (2011). Dr. Sally Foote recently
The Scruff Substitute
•This type of restraint is called the “cowl technique.” A pillowcase, flannel baby blanket, or thin hand towel is rolled into a tube and wrapped quickly around the neck like a doughnut to hold the head. The point of restraint is like scruffing but does not create the association of pain with hands or handling.
Feline Enrichment at Indy Humane
•As practices and shelters are looking to incorporate Low Stress Handling skills into their daily routines, our work at CattleDog Publishing continues to grow. I recently traveled to the Midwest to present full day seminars on Low Stress Handling. I had a wonderful group of DVM’s, technicians, trainers, and some of the staff from Indy Humane. Colleen Benson, the head of the behavior team at Indy Humane gave me a tour of the facility. It was there that I found Dr. Liz Rose busily hanging shelves, painting crates, and creating a “cat-astic” space for the adoptable cats. This wonderful area
Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? Help for the Multi-cat Household
•Africanwildcat2-Blog Today’s domestic cat looks quite similar to its ancestor, the African wildcat. In many ways, our pet cats today are not that different from their wild ancestor, the African wildcat. They even look similar. According to Wild Cats Magazine, the African wildcat is mostly nocturnal, hides during the day, tries to intimidate opponents by making itself look larger, and females defend their territory against intruders. Sound familiar? African wildcats, as well as feral cats, are solitary hunters. This makes perfect sense if you think about it: Their prey might include mice, birds, even insects. Not really enough food to invite
Litter Box Misses – When Your Cat Goes Right Next to the Box
•Here are three of the most common scenarios for “missing the box:”

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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