Category: Veterinary Professional

Top 10 Myths About Canine Behavior

Many myths about why dogs do dog things exist. Here is some myth-busting information about 10 of the most common.

Starting Your Kitten Off on the Right Paw by Enrolling in Kitty Kindergarten

When researching kitten classes, look for those run by veterinary professionals, cat behavior consultants, or animal trainers who use positive reinforcement as their method of training.

Training Your Pet To Cooperate With Ear And Eye Medications

Medicating and cleaning ears and eyes are procedures that many pets will need at some point in their lives. Learn about using the station to teach your pet about treatments.

The Three-Term Contingency: The ABCs of Behavior

This method is based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), which helps you understand, predict, and modify your pet’s actions to improve communication and solve behavior problems.

Cooperative Care in Veterinary Medicine

Cooperative care teaches veterinary staff, caregivers, and animal trainers how to communicate effectively with and support the emotional well-being of the individual pet based on that pet’s specific needs and progress.

Food Dispensing and Puzzle Toys for Cats

Cats need mental stimulation to keep their minds sharp.

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification

Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.

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