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Category: CattleDog Publishing Newsletter
Building Better Lives for Our Pets: The Five Freedoms, Provisions, and Domains
The Five Freedoms are the foundation of modern animal welfare. Created in the 1960s, these principles focus on meeting an animal’s essential needs.
Options for Exercising Your Dog
•When it comes to getting fresh air and exercise for your dog, you have plenty of options. However, some of the most popular choices might not be the best fit for every dog.
Pattern Games – A New Way to Help Change Behavior
•Pattern Games are activities that help dogs learn specific skills.
Preparing Pets for the Holidays
When making holiday plans, do not forget about your pets.
Noise Sensitivities and Phobias
Dogs typically start fearing noises in their first or second year of life, and this fear can worsen as they age.
Redefining Low Stress Handling®
Low Stress Handling® was created by Sophia Yin, DVM, CAAB, MS, to improve animal welfare. This method uses research-based skills and techniques focused on ten main principles to lower stress in animals when they are being handled. The ideas are not just guidelines but are also the basis for other animal care certification programs. By focusing on reducing stress, Low Stress Handling® makes interactions between animals and humans safer and more enjoyable for everyone. The Impact of Fear Conditioning Many dogs and cats feel scared, anxious, and stressed when they visit the veterinarian, which makes it harder to diagnose and

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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