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Category: Articles by Dr. Sophia Yin
Dr. Sophia Yin’s Philosophies on Early Learning Theories
•Dr. Sophia Yin, DVM, CAAB, MS was a veterinarian, animal behaviorist, author, and the creator of Low Stress Handling®.
Puppy Whining: Driving Owners Crazy
•Question: HELP!! My 9 and half week old lab puppy is pretty good at night in her crate, but during the day, she barks, digs, salivates for the entire time. When I let her out she comes out crying and follows me everywhere crying. I find this extremely upsetting and I’m ready to give her back. Will she get used to it eventually by continuing to put her in her crate? When the crate is open she goes in on her own to sleep and play but the second you close the door, all hell breaks loose. I have tried
A Visit to the Medical Center for Birds
The primary reasons for the use of low stress handling techniques and methods in avian species are no different than with companion dogs and cats. The adverse effects of learned fear, increased escape and avoidance behaviors, increased aggression, generalized fear and even apathy are profound.
Exotic Animal Handling: Chickens
•The gallus gallus domesticus is the Latin name for an animal we all think we know well: the humble chicken. But even an animal humans have been raising and breeding for thousands of years can have some surprising health needs you should know how to check on. From checking the abdomen for being egg–bound, to checking feet, wings, eyes, nose and mouth for health issues, exotic animal specialist, Dr. Susan A. Brown leads Dr. Yin through this examination with CattleDog Publishing’s own stunt chickens, BonBon & Coconut. This is a great resource for the growing population of backyard
Catching Criminals Through a Scent Line-up: Methods Improved Through Positive–Based Training
•In spring of 2011, the headlines in western Finland blared; “Man bludgeoned with hammer by four thugs and left in the forest to die”. Against all odds the victim was found by a woodsman and miraculously made it to the hospital where he was stabilized. It wasn’t a random incident; the man knew his attackers and the police were quickly able to take the four into custody. The police then coaxed the location of the weapon out of the suspects and found the hammer where the suspects said it would be—in a river, which would be walled
Exotic Animal Handling: King Snake
•How do you handle examining a snake? Unlike a dog or a cat, snakes can be problematic to hold in place. Dr. Yin introduces her colleague, Dr. Brown, who shows how to work with the snake to keep it calm and safe. Working with Pearl, our 1-year–old Arizona Mountain Kingsnake, Dr. Brown covers body condition and looking inside the mouth to check the teeth and the quality of the mouth and gum tissue, among other things. If you’ve ever wanted to know how you give a snake a shot, or where to find the lungs or the vent, then this

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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