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Category: cats
Behavior Supplements in Dogs and Cats
•Many colleagues and pet owners ask about the use of supplements in the treatment of behavioral issues. There is limited documented evidence on the use of these supplements, but to address this demand for information, here is what we know is being used and impressions from what experience and data are available.
Cats and High Places: Keeping Them off Counters and Tables
•Since this behavior started, they have tried several methods to deter him from jumping up, including yelling at him, placing him back on the floor, and recently started using a squirt bottle to keep him off. None of their techniques are working and they are quickly becoming frustrated. Why do cats often find counters and tables so appealing? Cats instinctively like high places. Cats make use of vertical spaces, much like their ancestors used rocks, bushes, and trees. There is food on counters and tables (even small traces that we might not detect) and they take the gamble that
Human Directed Aggression in Cats
•If you have ever had your cat snuggle up to you on the couch then nip at your hand when you try to pet them, you are not alone. This is just one scenario in which some cats have shown aggression to their owners. Many other situations can lead to cats swatting, scratching, or trying to bite their human partners. While these are unwanted behaviors from our feline friends, there are often logical explanations for their actions. Trying to stop the aggression starts with understanding when and why it might be happening. Then, you can determine how to approach the
Litter Box Basic: How to Choose the Best Box for Your Cat
•#2: Covered vs Uncovered: When given a choice, cats prefer uncovered to covered litterboxes. If you are unsure which your cat prefers? Place a covered box next to an uncovered one and see which one you cat visits more frequently. Covered litter boxe Photo courtesy of Ben Bricker #3 Low Sided vs. High Sided: Some cats prefer a low sided box to a high sided one. If you have a cat eliminating outside the box but right next to the box, try a low sided box. It may be your cat has some
Medication Station
•Step 2: Bring that mat out every day twice a day and place it in a central location. You can use an elevated surface like a washer, dryer, or counter. We choose the floor because our cat has arthritis. Step 2 Step 3: Reinforce your cat for choosing to interact with the mat. You can use a clicker for this and a high value treat. You may have to start by clicking and treating your cat when they look at the mat, then when they step on the mat, then when they sit on the mat. If you are
Introducing Your Dog to Other Animals
•Introducing a new dog to the pets of your home can be a little tricky at first. You want your current pets and your new pet to live comfortably with everyone. Keep in mind that realistic expectations are important. Some dogs are not capable of getting along with other dogs. Some dogs have such a strong reaction to smaller animals that their instinct to chase and catch will override their ability to stay calm (this is known as a strong prey drive). The key to ensuring good first interactions and blending the new family together is to separate everyone initially,

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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