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Category: Reader Q&A
CattleDog Publishing Social Media Policy Update
•Posting and participation policy for the Facebook groups Cattledog Publishing- The Legacy of Dr. Yin, and Low Stress Handling Certified – Silver Level, as well as the affiliated page Low Stress Handling of Dogs & Cats, has been updated. All posts, comments, questions, images and links must adhere to the following rules and regulations: This group is for discussion, techniques, questions, products, courses or ideas related to Dr. Sophia Yin’s Low Stress Handling ® work only. All posts, comments, questions, images and links must be relevant to Low Stress Handling® or to techniques pioneered by Dr. Yin. Aversive or “positive punishment” training practitioners, methods
CattleDog Publishing joins the VIN Family
•Since the untimely death of Dr. Sophia Yin in 2014, her work and publishing company, CattleDog Publishing, has continued under the ownership of her trust. This has been accomplished thanks to the hardworking CattleDog staff and the guidance of her friend and colleague Dr. Sally Foote. This year, CattleDog Publishing shifts from Sophia’s trust to a permanent ownership. The Veterinary Information Network (VIN), an online community and content resource for veterinarians, by veterinarians, and the VIN Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit providing resources to help veterinarians thrive, have joined to take on the stewardship of Sophia’s legacy as
Puppy Whining: Driving Owners Crazy
•Question: HELP!! My 9 and half week old lab puppy is pretty good at night in her crate, but during the day, she barks, digs, salivates for the entire time. When I let her out she comes out crying and follows me everywhere crying. I find this extremely upsetting and I’m ready to give her back. Will she get used to it eventually by continuing to put her in her crate? When the crate is open she goes in on her own to sleep and play but the second you close the door, all hell breaks loose. I have tried
Exotic Low Stress Pet Care with Stefanie Kotschwar
•I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Stefanie Kotschwar, a licensed veterinary technician at Lynwood Animal Hospital, Nepean, Ontario, Canada. Her practice has a strong emphasis in exotic pet care, and makes providing a Low Stress Handling® care experience a top priority. Stefanie has been selected to present Low Stress Handling® in small mammals at ExoticsCon this fall. Dr Foote: Stefanie, I see that you have various degrees. Tell me about your journey into veterinary care for exotic pets. Originally from Austria, I grew up in Colombia. As a young adult I moved to Guelph and earned my degrees in nutrition and zoology.
Leash Walking Tips: Giving Correct Cues for Stopping
Have you ever been in a new city or location or situation and uncertain of where to go and the person who’s supposed to be guiding you keeps getting you mixed up? “This way,” they say as they walk forward slowly but while scanning the signs to the right and left. And then, “Wait no… this way.” And then, “Oops. I meant the other way instead.” If you have, I’m sure you remember the stress and frustration. Now ask yourself, do the dogs I walk at the veterinary hospital or shelter get mixed signals, too? Am I conveying an air
We Have Puppies!!! Part 2
•I have to apologize as we fell a bit behind blogging about the pups. Here was what I was supposed to post 2+ weeks ago! I will have an update next week with pictures of them moving down to the “Livestock kennel”. 5/25/2018 Well, the puppies are now just over 5 weeks old and growing like weeds! Livestock Guardian Dog (LGD) Breeds are considered “giant” breeds and the pups grow very fast. At birth the entire litter averaged 1.3 lbs each (total litter weight of just under 12 lbs) and now, at 5 ½ weeks old, they are averaging over

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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