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Category: I am a Shelter Worker
Take The Lead, Safely! Leash Walking Skills Every Human Needs to Know
•People frequently ask me why I use hands-free leashes in my dog classes instead of letting owners hold the leash. One main reason is the hands-free leashes allow the clients to easily handle and deliver treats quickly, in rapid succession, and with correct timing. A less obvious but very important reason and my answer: Have you seen what people do with a leash in their hands? I remember attending a seminar early in my career by Patricia McConnell where she showed a video of chimpanzees handling objects. They grabbed, swung, lifted and pulled at these objects. Her point was, primates
They’re chasing me, what now?: Preventing Chasing & Dog Bites
•What should you do? What DO you do in this type of conflict where dogs are at risk of biting and humans are at risk of being bitten? Well, a couple of years ago when I was on my way to Australia to lecture at APDT-Australia (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), a nonprofit called AMRRIC (Animal Management in Remote and Rural Indigenous Communities) contacted me with just that problem. “We’re having conflict between people and the dogs that live on Aboriginal town camps,” they said. “We want to develop educational materials but we need help to know what to do.
My Puppy Won’t Walk on Leash! 3 Ways to Train Your Puppy to Love Her Leash
My general rule of thumb is that we should use methods that focus on rewarding the correct behavior, starting with steps the dog can easily perform and quickly moving on to steps that are closer and closer to our goal behavior.
Six Strategies for Increasing Animal Adoptions at Shelters
•During busy seasons some shelters are filled beyond capacity and the best way to remedy this is to get pets adopted out quickly. Besides ensuring that pets are healthy and the environment low stress so that the animals will be comfortable and engaged, what else can shelters do to get these pets adopted out quickly? The following are six marketing tips for increasing adoption rates. Tip 1: Consider having fewer animals up for adoption. It turns out that having the maximum number of pets up for adoption is not always the best strategy. Just as too many choices at a
New DVD: Learn the Skills to Handle Your Reactive or Hyperactive Dog
“A month ago we couldn’t even take Boo, our Lhasa Apso mix, out on walks because he would bark and lunge at other dogs no matter how far away they were. It was embarrassing and even dangerous,” says Theresa Montemayor. That changed in October, after Theresa and her husband David attended Dr. Yin’s Reactive Dogs Workshop in Davis, California. After just a couple of weeks, Boo was good enough so that he could participate in a class full of dogs. “Now, with a gentle leader head collar, he can go on walks with no problem—even when he has to pass a lot
Use Science to Take Your Training to a New Level No Matter What Species You Have, With this DVD
•If you peruse the internet for animal training advice, you’ll see a lot of information that seems to make sense, but if you know the science behind how animals learn you know that these statements are misinformed. For instance: A zoo trainer might claim, “It’s difficult to train our lions because they are overly motivated for food. They get so excited that they can’t focus on what we want them to do.” A dog owner might state, “I ignore my dog when he jumps and reward him when he sits, just like that book I read says, but he still jumps to

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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