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Category: I am a Pet Owner
101 Essential Tips: 3 New Books Available In Our Store
•We’re excited to introduce you to a new series of books by Dr. Jason Nicholas, founder of Preventive Vet. Dr. Nicholas, better known as “Dr. J,” a very well-respected veterinarian and expert in pet safety. He has traveled the world to share his knowledge and raise awareness about pet illness and emergency prevention. In 2011 he established Preventive Vet as a type of “one-stop shop” for online resources where pet owners can get reliable information from a variety of veterinary specialists, ranging from emergency practitioners to board-certified surgeons, oncologists, and even behaviorists. Dreamstime60 Preventive Vet’s mission is to help change the
Storm / Noise Safe Room Training
•Teach your dog to go to a bathroom, basement, or closet during storms for safety and calming. Getting to the safe room while calm prevents escalation to fear and ensures safety.
Three Great Books for Our Dog and Cat Owners by Preventive Vet
•I usually don’t pay much attention to the Facebook ads that pop up on my screen, yet an ad for 101 Essential tips Dog Health and Safety by Jason Nicholas DVM caught my eye. I followed the link and saw that there were 3 books in this series, directed towards the pet owner for pet health and behavior. These books are written by a veterinarian with expertise and experience in emergency and general practice. He clearly sees the need for easy to read, with fun informative illustrations, and accurate information. I ordered each of the books and thought I would share my
Step By Step Guide to Interaction
•1. Take the first part of the meal every day for a short 3–5-minute training session. Hold the food in your hand – I prefer not using a treat bag. I want the dog to think at any time I may have a reward not just when I have a treat bag on. Enter Title. [Required] 2. Control release of food – only release food for correct behaviors – no grabbing! Enter Title. [Required] 3. Stand upright – your dog can read what you are going to do Hold 1–3 nuggets between your
“What Did You Say?” – What Your Body Language Says To Your Pet
•Train yourself first, in learning what your body language is communicating to your pets and also what their body language is telling you. This is truly one of the most important things that you can do for your pet.
Puppy Whining: Driving Owners Crazy
•Question: HELP!! My 9 and half week old lab puppy is pretty good at night in her crate, but during the day, she barks, digs, salivates for the entire time. When I let her out she comes out crying and follows me everywhere crying. I find this extremely upsetting and I’m ready to give her back. Will she get used to it eventually by continuing to put her in her crate? When the crate is open she goes in on her own to sleep and play but the second you close the door, all hell breaks loose. I have tried

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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