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Category: Behavior Bytes
Loose Leash Walking
•If you decide that basic loose leash walking is more your speed than heeling, that is okay. Dogs that respond to their owner’s simple request on a walk are just as well behaved. The less often you go for walks, the more novel and exciting it will be when they get the opportunity to explore. Try to understand their excitement. Be sure to make the walk equally as enjoyable for them as it is for you. Be kind and fair in your training methods, and always make time for a few good smells.
Training Your Cat to Use the Carrier
•Cats learn by association, so the sudden appearance of the carrier tends to signal that something scary is happening. Training cats to love their carriers is beneficial for many reasons. The key is to build and maintain a positive association with the carrier to make your cat’s visit to the veterinarian as low stress as possible.
Teaching Eye Contact to a Dog
•Eye contact teaches your pet to focus attention on you and check in with you regularly. By reinforcing this behavior, you are making yourself more exciting than the environment around you. Eye contact should be a fun activity for your dog. With practice, your dog will look to you for guidance, no matter the surroundings.
Low Stress Toothbrushing
•Recommended by veterinarians, daily toothbrushing is one of the best ways to slow the progression of dental disease, lengthen the time between professional cleanings, and has many other benefits to your pet’s overall health. When you brush your pet’s teeth it’s okay if you aren’t perfect. It is more important for your pet to be comfortable and willing to accept frequent brushing.
Training Series: Target Training Dogs with Touch
•Targeting is teaching your dog to touch a part of their body such as a paw, shoulder, hip, or nose to a specific object. The most common use is asking the dog to touch their nose to a person’s hand. Teach and practice this behavior in the house first. Then around your yard, and on walks where the environment is naturally more distracting.
Nail Boards: An Alternative to Clipping Nails
•Many dogs do not like having their nails trimmed and some are outright petrified. Dogs can be taught to file their own nails using a nail board. Dogs learn to scratch on the board using a scratching or digging motion. Nail boards can be purchased or hand made using a board, duct tape, and coarse or medium sandpaper. Learning to use the Nail Board Dogs learn quickly how to use a nail board with minimal training. You shape the behavior by breaking down the completed behavior of scratching the board into smaller steps, rewarding your dog for completing each step.

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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