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Category: Behavior Bytes
Step By Step Guide to Interaction
•1. Take the first part of the meal every day for a short 3–5-minute training session. Hold the food in your hand – I prefer not using a treat bag. I want the dog to think at any time I may have a reward not just when I have a treat bag on. Enter Title. [Required] 2. Control release of food – only release food for correct behaviors – no grabbing! Enter Title. [Required] 3. Stand upright – your dog can read what you are going to do Hold 1–3 nuggets between your

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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