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Neutered Male Dogs Can Still Have Sex

May 9, 2011

The take home message here is that if you neuter your dog, don’t worry, he can still have sex – if he wants. Most likely he won’t want to. With the lower testosterone levels he won’t have a red hot libido.

Pokey Dog Lags on Leash

May 4, 2011

Question: I have a three year old male, neutered Shih Tzu named Pocky.  My problem is that  while other dogs drag their owners on walks, I have to constantly pull on Pocky’s leash so that he will walk with me. When he does, he is at least 2–4 feet behind me even though I walk at a leisurely pace. I have tried treats while walking but he is not interested. When we are ready to turn back and walk home, Pocky perks up and walks closer to me but still behind. I’ve seen him run happily when chasing cats and

Scooting Dog Draws a Crowd

April 28, 2011

I’ve been a fan of the TV show Monk for many years. In fact, I identify with the main character in an odd sort of way. No I don’t have a compulsive disorder. But I do find that solving animal behavior issues often requires some serious Monk-like detective work. For instance a number of years back, a reader sent me a question that went like so: I have a 7-year old Cocker Spaniel mix who has this annoying habit. I’m wondering if there’s really a way of training her out of it. As if on command to perform, in her excitement around people, she

Manners Minder Use During Rehabilitation

April 23, 2011

Back in 2004 when I first developed the Treat & Train for the Sharper Image (now the MannersMinder sold by Premier Pet), my official  designated use for the product was to solve unruly behavior that dogs exhibit when guests come to the house. But at the time, I had so many thoughts on how I wanted to use this device. Just imagine what you could do if you could finally reward your dog away from you, right as they were performing the desired behavior, and you could set the exact treat rate? And you could basically follow portions of the

Vegetarian Cat?

April 20, 2011

Easter always makes me think of rabbits, which make me think of carrots and other vegetables, which then reminds me of nutrition question about cats. Several owners have asked me a question that goes something like this: “I’m a vegetarian and a cat lover. Are there any vegetarian diets that I can buy or make for my cat?” The question is  sometimes one of moral values for the human, but for animals, it’s one of nature. Herbivores such as rabbits and horses eat plants and cannot digest meat well. Omnivores such as humans and dogs can eat both meat and

Jonesy the Jack Russell Terrier Goes for a Run

March 19, 2011

Today we finally started the day off with a decent 6 mile run. We ran with our human friend Clare. By the end of the run when the humans were stretching out, it started to drizzle. I got rain in my eyes. Hey you dogs out there, make sure to tell your human that it’s important to take you running or exercising so you won’t get FAT! If they need to teach you how to enjoy staying at their side and keeping a constant pace next to you put this Runner’s World article in front of their face. Now I’m warmed up

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