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Category: Trainer
Barking Dogs: Noise or Communication?
•With over 52 million pet dogs in the U.S.alone and a multi-billion dollar pet food and supply industry, it’s clear dogs are part of family life in America. To those who actually own and live near dogs, another fact is also clear—some dogs just talk too much. It’s “Bark! Bark! Let me in” or “Bark! Bark! Feed me” or “Bark, Bark! A leaf just fell.” Dogs can be such champions of conversation that many communities have passed ordinances forcing them to shut their yaps. Anyone who’s experienced these annoying oratories in the dead of night is probably wondering, “What’s the
How to Greet a Dog
•Question: “My dog is great with people most of the time but sometimes when strangers rush up to him when we’re on our walks, he backs off and growls. The behavior seems to be getting worse. Why does he do this?” Answer: The problem here is that people don’t know how to politely greet your dog. All would be well if humans heeded the two golden rules—never pet a dog without owner permission, and always let the dog make first contact. Instead, well-wishers approach too quickly, crowd too closely, or loom over like a thunderstorm ready to dump its load.
Behind the Scenes at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, IL
•All in all it was a magical hour and a half. I highly recommend that everyone who visits Chicago visit the Shedd Aquarium. It will give you a new appreciation for the husbandry training that can and should be done in all zoos.
Dog Park Etiquette
•These dogs are displaying appropriate, well-mannered greeting behavior. You’ve owned dogs for ages, you have pets galore. You know all the stories, they’re now just a bore. But have you heard the one about Dennis? Dennis, the Dog Park Menace? Rumor has it he’s at every park. He comes in many disguises making him easy to miss. Here’s how he might appear. The dogs are playing, each a brown or black blur When off in the distance appears a mass of white fur. The ball of white bounces, looming larger and clear Then Splat! A squashed Scottie dog yelps out
Dog Jumps Through Hoop: Part 2
•Today is Lucy’s second day of transitioning to jumping through my arms. After practicing through a smaller and smaller hoop a bunch of times, I try with my arms. I’m using the MannersMinder remote controlled treat dispenser to reward her once she jumps through the hoop. The remote control is in my hand and as soon as she jumps through I press it and a food treat is dispensed. First try: Unlike yesterday, today she jumps right though. Second try: Oops here I put my human hoop too high. I’ll have to practice with the hoop lower at first and then sequentially
Dog Jumps Through Hoop: Part 1
•It’s been a while since I’ve given an update on Lucy. In fact, I still have to go back and fill you in on all of the juicy details from last summer. In the meantime, I have her this week to work on a few issues that have been cropping up. Like training her that even though her owners (my dad) reward her for climbing in their lap, it’s really more fun for her to greet people by remaining seated or lying down. And that instead of barking at the random person walking by the car, if she’s quiet she

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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