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Category: Trainer
Train a “Come When Called” at the Dog Park
•My dog, Milo, loves to explore at the off-leash park but, when it’s time to go home, it takes me 10 to 20 minutes to catch him to put him back on leash. What should I do? Rover loves to rough-house with other dogs but sometimes their owners get mad at me. I think he’s playing so they shouldn’t worry, but they say their dogs don’t like it. If I don’t leave the park, then they do. How can I train Rover to play more calmly? He is also reactive to dogs when on leash and will bark and lunge
The Best Animal Trainers in History: Interview with Bob and Marian Bailey, Part 2
•In the last blog, you learned about how and why Marian and Keller Breland started Animal Behavior Enterprises (ABE), the most successful and prolific animal training company that has ever existed. In this segment, you’ll find out more about Bob Bailey, how Keller got involved in developing the first scientifically trained dolphin show, and what dolphins were trained for in the Navy. Bob also reveals the four most common trainer errors. Question: Bob, how did you get into animal training? Dolphin and Dog Bob: I was at UCLA. I was an Ich and Herps man while I was an undergraduate. I’d
Training Yearlings: Using Different Methods for Training Horses
•Every year, the UC Davis Animal Science Department raises and sells yearling horses at their annual auction. While most owners would be happy if their yearlings could lead nicely on halter and load calmly into a trailer, in the Spring of 2000, when I was teaching the behavior courses in the Animal Science Department, I helped the students in charge of the yearlings aim higher. Using a combination of clicker training and natural horsemanship, we trained a number of handy behaviors. One of the first things we taught was lateral and vertical bending. We taught the behaviors using two different
Kitten Socialization: Training a Kitten to Wear a Harness
•Everyone knows that if you have a dog you’ll take it on walks. But did you know you could also take your cat on walks? Taking a cat on walks works best if you’ve socialized the cat at a young age to new environments so he’s comfortable in the places you plan to take him. Of course, you’ll also want to train your cat or kitten to love wearing a harness.
How to Safely Transfer a Small Dog from Person-to-Person
•Have you ever had a client walk in with their little land-shark of a Chihuahua or Toy Poodle in their arms and you needed to examine it or carry it and you know you won’t be able to get near it once the owner puts it on the table or floor? Or you have a little, bitey dog in a shelter, kennel, or hospital setting you are carrying—because somehow you’ve already made friends with him—and the safest way for you to get him to be handled or transported by someone else is by handing him off to them? In that
Dog Training is a Technical Skill: Treat Delivery Speed
•Have you ever been watching professional tennis or golf on TV with a friend and then suddenly heard him blurt, “I swing just like that but that’s not where the ball goes. Those players must have special equipment that makes it work.” I’m guessing, probably not, unless your friends have mashed potatoes for brains. Most people understand that the reason professionals are able to make consistent and stellar shots is that they have skills that they build up through many hours of practice, coaching, and drills. However, when it comes to dog training or behavior modification, it’s the complete opposite. Owners

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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