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Category: General Information
Learn to Earn Program – Frequently Asked Questions
•In the first two blogs, we covered the benefits as well as the steps for carrying out this impulse control and leadership developing program. If you’ve started or are thinking about starting this program you may have some specific questions. Here are answers to the most common of those questions. For a step-by-step photo-illustrated version of this program, view Perfect Puppy in 7 Days. What if my dog is not “motivated” for his food? He’ll eat it out of his bowl when he feels like it, but he’s not hungry when I want to use food for training. Dogs who get their
Keller and Marian Breland Create the Field of Applied Animal Psychology
Applied animal psychology brings together the two formerly unrelated fields of professional animal training and modern behavioral science. The field is new in that it represents, we believe, the first application of systematic behavior theory to the control of animal behavior.
Free Downloads: Posters, Handouts, and More!
•All of these posters and more can be found for free download in the Resources section. Some posters are available for purchase in the Low Stress Handing® store. 4-in-1 Poster The 4 most popular posters are all in one great poster. Perfect for clinics, waiting rooms, and boarding facilities. Body Language of Feline Anxiety Poster The first step to keeping animals calm is understanding their way of communicating with us, humans. The Body Language of Feline Anxiety poster covers the most important cues to cat behavior. Body Language of Fear in Dogs Poster Every year over 4.5 million people are
Dog Product Review: Jonesy’s Favorite Things!
•Pooch Treat House: For those of you who want something economical and unique, this $5.00 toy is perfect. Just watch me demonstrate. jonesydec15 8053 First you take a ball, and hmmm…. jonesydec15 8054 Drop it in the hole. jonesydec15 8055 And then….. Ooh. Here it comes. jonesydec15 8056 Hey. Jackpot. A treat falls out! jonesydec15 8057 All gone! I guess I should drop the ball in the hole again! This toy has suction cups on the bottom so it sticks to the floor. It’s also
Attention Men: Even Among Salmon, Polite, Gentle Males Get More Sex
•What message can salmon give us about the importance of being nice? One study shows, that being big and strong and bossing others around isn’t always the best strategy. In some species, the nice guy comes out first. Read this article on Huffington post to find out how. blogs-different-species-blog-ad Read Dr. Yin’s blog and find out more interesting facts about different species.
How to Teach a Cat to Use a Cat Door
•Question: We have a five month old kitten who can’t seem to get the hang of using the cat door. Our other cats use the door and I’m sure he sees them, but he doesn’t seem to learn by imitation. Any suggestions? Answer: A kitty door is a simple contraption that many cats learn to use right off the bat, but others don’t know what to make of the flappy barrier. While some cats are actually afraid of the odd swinging contraption, others are just too polite to shove their way through. In either case, the solution is straight forward.

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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