Category: Ask LSH

Why Does My Dog Hump?

June 26, 2023Ask LSH Dogs I am a... Pet Owner Trainer

It can be embarrassing when your dog humps or mounts another dog. Why do they do it?

My New Puppy Is Waking Me Up Whining at Night. What Can I Do?

June 21, 2023Ask LSH

It can be difficult to know what your puppy is trying to tell you each time they whine or bark. If the noise keeps you awake at night, excitement can quickly turn into exhaustion.

Beyond the Food Bowl

Raising behaviorally healthy dogs requires meeting both their mental and physical needs. Here are five time-saving ways you can make sure your dog’s basic needs are met.

What is a Catio?

The outside world is not the safest place for an indoor cat. A great solution to keep them safe yet let them enjoy outdoor reinforcement is to create a catio.

What is a Safe Haven for Your Dog?

A safe haven or space is a carefully designated, comfortable, climate-controlled area within your home where your dog can retreat when needed.

What Is Consent?

Consent means your dog is giving permission before allowing something to happen to them.

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification

Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.

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