Photo Courtesy of Breanna Norris, KPA-CTP

Bringing a puppy home can be one of the most exciting times of your life. Since new puppies have limited ways of communicating, it can be difficult to know what your puppy is trying to tell you each time they whine or bark. If the noise keeps you awake at night, excitement can quickly turn into exhaustion.

Starting your puppy off right begins with a great set-up. Prepare your bedroom with an area for your new puppy to sleep in, such as a small ex-pen or crate with an open top. Fill it with comfortable bedding and drape a blanket over two or three sides of the enclosure to limit light. An oversized stuffed animal can be placed into the enclosure. Long-lasting chews or puzzle toys help provide comfort and teach your puppy to self-soothe.

As puppies grow, their sleep patterns and needs will change. Some puppies are easy sleepers, but for those puppies that struggle to stay asleep, you may need to adjust your own sleep schedule. Changing where you sleep and when you go to bed may help. Adjust your schedule to go to bed later or rise earlier to accommodate puppy potty breaks.

Puppies whine and bark for many reasons, which can be hard to interpret. They might be telling you that it is time to go out; they are hungry, cold, or lonely. When determining your puppy’s needs, consider such factors as time of day and how long they have been in their crate. When was the last time they were out? When did they last eat? By setting your puppy’s enclosure near your bed, adjusting your sleep schedule, and making sure your puppy has been fed on time, you should be able to prevent much whining.

Scheduling playtime earlier in the evening and sharing puppy duty with other family members can help to reduce disruptions in sleep schedules. Transition to calmer activities before bedtime. A certified professional trainer can help you set up a sleeping area and troubleshoot a sleep schedule that works for both you and your puppy. If you have a great nighttime routine and your puppy continues to whine, a trip to your veterinarian may be in order to make sure your puppy is not in pain or ill.