Category: Articles by Dr. Sophia Yin

A Jack Russell Christmas: Jonesy’s Big Video Debut

December 13, 2013Articles by Dr. Sophia Yin Dogs

As you probably know by now, my first full-length Christmas webisode, “A Jack Russell Christmas,” airs next week. I’m practically a star already! Rightly so, because not only did I have to act, I had to do my own stunts too! And let me tell you, the action-packed script required me to be in tip-top shape. Luckily for me, I’m already in Jack Russell Terrier shape. Here is my workout regimen in case some of you want to copy it so you can look as fit as me. Every day I get 7 miles-worth of running. My human keeps me

My Puppy Won’t Walk on Leash! 3 Ways to Train Your Puppy to Love Her Leash

My general rule of thumb is that we should use methods that focus on rewarding the correct behavior, starting with steps the dog can easily perform and quickly moving on to steps that are closer and closer to our goal behavior.

Six Strategies for Increasing Animal Adoptions at Shelters

During busy seasons some shelters are filled beyond capacity and the best way to remedy this is to get pets adopted out quickly. Besides ensuring that pets are healthy and the environment low stress so that the animals will be comfortable and engaged, what else can shelters do to get these pets adopted out quickly? The following are six marketing tips for increasing adoption rates. Tip 1: Consider having fewer animals up for adoption. It turns out that having the maximum number of pets up for adoption is not always the best strategy. Just as too many choices at a

5 Tips for Handling Dogs and Cats in a Caring Manner

These are simple common sense tips that should guide interactions with patients on a daily basis. By keeping them in mind, pet care professionals can not only improve the experience for the patient and client, they can also improve their own satisfaction with their job.

A Suite of Low Stress Handling Products to Improve the Experience of Dogs and Cats in a Hospital

A vet who knows how to handle their patients in a calm, gentle manner is a vet who will earn the goodwill and loyalty of their clientele.

Covered or Uncovered Litterboxes: Do Cats Have a Preference?

It was late morning midweek and, as usual, we were working on a number of projects in the office. Projects that require quite a bit of teamwork and collaboration. So a few of us were sitting in the office brainstorming when in walks Dante, the office Bengal cat. True to his M.O. Dante announced his arrival with a big MEOW and then promptly walked into his litter box and pooped right in front of us. inside_scoop A few of the reasons I never wanted a cat were: I knew I would hate cleaning the litter box.    I knew I

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification

Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.

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