Recent Articles

Dog Eats Chocolate: Case of Chico and Cadbury Chocolates

April 5, 2009

Easter is typically a time when families come together and participate in numerous traditions. For some this means going to church. For others the focal point is the Easter egg hunt and Easter baskets. But for one little dog representing a not-so-unusual case, it involved some Cadbury chocolates and a veterinary visit. It was the day after Easter, and while his owners were out, Chico the scrappy fox terrier was planning an hour of mischief. Finally, his chance had come to examine the previous day’s delivery. One by one he plucked the morsels from their bright yellow baskets. It was

Did You Want a Bunny for Easter?

April 5, 2009

Ask any rabbit fancier and they’ll tell you what makes rabbits so great. These affectionate, high-spirited herbivores are full of mischief and games. Their amusing behavior coupled with their quiet nature and convenient size makes them wonderful house pets, for those owners who can meet their unique needs.

Click and Cluck: Lesson on Animal Training from Chickens

March 27, 2009

Jan30PhoebeChickens I went through the picture in my head. Chicken number one climbs up the ladder onto a one-foot-wide platform, makes a 180-degree turn and tightropes across a narrow bridge to a second platform, where it pecks a tethered ping-pong ball, sending the ball in an arc around its post. The chicken then turns 180 degrees and negotiates a second ladder back down to ground level, where it encounters a yellow bowling pin and a blue bowling pin in random arrangement. It knocks the yellow one down first and then the blue one. Chicken number two grasps a loop tied

A Day in the Life of Show Business Elephants

March 25, 2009

Have you ever wondered how show biz elephants are trained and housed, and how they spend a typical day? Last week I found out when I visited an American Zoos and Aquariums certified elephant training and conservation facility called Have Trunk Will Travel.

Book Review: For the Love of a Dog: Understanding Emotion in You and Your Best Friend

March 18, 2009

Patricia McConnell has once again presented us with a book that is not only informative but heartwarming as well. Dr. McConnell uses sound research on the subject of neuroscience and emotions to help us better understand emotions in our dogs, and she does it in a way that can be easily understood by anyone interested in this subject. The book begins by addressing the subject of emotions and why the subject is so controversial in animals. It proceeds to describe the emotional expressions in our dogs and how anyone can learn to interpret them with observation and practice. Her chapter

Does Your Humping Dog Make Your Face Turn Red?

March 16, 2009

Question: Dr. Yin, I was wondering if you could offer some advice about dogs mounting other dogs. I have a 10 yr. old fixed Standard Poodle who gets very excited when he greets another dog and he ends up mounting the other dog. Male, female, big dog, small dog – it doesn’t matter. I would just like to know why he does this, and how can I stop it. Thanks for your time. Pennie Answer: Pennie, you’re not alone. Many neutered dogs perform this embarrassing social faux-“paw”, not because they’re being amorous or trying to dominate, but because they are

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