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Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? Help for the Multi-cat Household
Africanwildcat2-Blog Today’s domestic cat looks quite similar to its ancestor, the African wildcat. In many ways, our pet cats today are not that different from their wild ancestor, the African wildcat. They even look similar. According to Wild Cats Magazine, the African wildcat is mostly nocturnal, hides during the day, tries to intimidate opponents by making itself look larger, and females defend their territory against intruders. Sound familiar? African wildcats, as well as feral cats, are solitary hunters. This makes perfect sense if you think about it: Their prey might include mice, birds, even insects. Not really enough food to invite
Building A Low Stress Clinic
Featured Low Stress Handling Clinic:Zionsville Country Veterinary Clinic (Whitestown, IN) I met Dr. Shari Lyons many years ago at a women’s veterinary practice owners retreat in Louisville, Kentucky. I lost touch with her over the years, but we reconnected when she contacted me about bringing more Low Stress Handling® training into her clinic. As a way of kickstarting that process, she attended my first Master Class Weekend in Tuscola, IL, and she brought photos of her clinic, as attendees tend to do, to discuss ways to enhance the space for a less stressful veterinary experience. Her new clinic had been
CattleDog Publishing Quarterly (magazine) – August 2018
And Just Like That, Our Newsletter Has Become A Magazine!!! We are very excited to present to you the first issue of our brand new digital magazine.We have a lot of wonderful things planned for the CattleDog Publishing Quarterly magazine, not the least of which is all of the wonderful information and resources that are contained in every issue. Starting with our November 2018 issue, we are also hoping to include articles written by guest writers and other industry leaders just like you. In time, we are also considering the possibility of creating a “print” version of the publication to
We Have Puppies!!! Part 2
I have to apologize as we fell a bit behind blogging about the pups. Here was what I was supposed to post 2+ weeks ago! I will have an update next week with pictures of them moving down to the “Livestock kennel”. 5/25/2018 Well, the puppies are now just over 5 weeks old and growing like weeds! Livestock Guardian Dog (LGD) Breeds are considered “giant” breeds and the pups grow very fast. At birth the entire litter averaged 1.3 lbs each (total litter weight of just under 12 lbs) and now, at 5 ½ weeks old, they are averaging over
Litter Box Misses – When Your Cat Goes Right Next to the Box
Here are three of the most common scenarios for “missing the box:”
We Have Puppies!!! (Part 1 of an Ongoing “Perfect Puppy” Series)
In addition to my work at CattleDog Publishing, I am also involved (and have been most of my life) in rescuing and placing “Livestock Guardian Dog” breeds, in particular the rarer breeds. Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGDs) are dogs from specific breeds that have been used for thousands of years to protect livestock from predators such as bears and wolves. They live out with the flock or herd 24/7/365 and work without human guidance and little human intervention. 5/8/18 They were developed in what is known as Central Asia, likely close to where sheep and goats were domesticated, and from there
Looking for certifications instead?

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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