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How Dogs Learn: Shaping Zoe into a Box
Have you ever wondered how dogs learn? Operant conditioning, or trial and error learning, is one way in which dogs learn new behaviors. In this video, Dr Sophia Yin trains her australian cattle dog, Zoe, to put two feet into a box. Watch how Zoe figures out what to do!
Manners Minder: Train Good Behavior at the Door
Does your dog dart outside when you open the front door to let a guest in? The Manners Minder was developed to train good behavior at the door. This overview of the Manners Minder shows how it can be used to develop better door manners in your dog.
Shaping Behaviors: Teach Your Dog to Somersault
Want to teach your dog a fun trick that most dogs won’t know? Teach your dog to somersault! Using a target and some tasty treats, Zoe the australian cattle dog learns how to do a somersault.
Training a Dog to Heel: Jonesy Heels for Toy
Training a dog to heel when there are distractions can be a difficult task, so its important to use everything the dog finds motivating as a reward. Here, Jonesy the Jack Russell Terrier has learned that he must heel in order to get what he wants: the TOY!
Dog Gets Kleenex: Jonesy Says Gesundheit
Dog Gets Kleenex: Jonesy Says Gesundheit is a cute example of a trick that can be shaped. If your dog already knows how to fetch, substituting a kleenex and adding a cue is simple.
Funny Dog Tricks: Jack Russell Terrier Karate Kicks
Here is one of many funny dog tricks that you can teach your dog. Jonesy the jack russell terrier can karate kick!
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Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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