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A Jack Russell Christmas
A “Throwback” Christmas. From 2013 A Jack Russell Christmas: It’s Christmas time and naughty Jonesy can’t wait to open presents!
Exotic Animal Handling: Chickens
Exotic Animal Handling with Dr. Susan A. Brown: Chickens The gallus gallus domesticus is the Latin name for an animal we all think we know well: the humble chicken. But even an animal humans have been raising and breeding for thousands of years can have some surprising health needs you should know how to check Read More
Exotic Animal Handling: King Snake
Exotic Animal Handling with Dr. Susan A. Brown: King Snake How do you handle examining a snake? Unlike a dog or a cat, snakes can be problematic to hold in place. Dr. Yin introduces her colleague, Dr. Brown, who shows how to work with the snake to keep it calm and safe. Working with Pearl, Read More
Exotic Animal Handling: Bearded Dragons
Floyd, a 3-year-old bearded dragon, needs a health checkup. But how can we give him one in a way that minimizes stress and keeps him safe? Dr. Yin introduces her colleague, Dr. Susan A. Brown, noted exotic animal medical specialist. Dr. Brown demonstrates safe handling with Floyd the Bearded Dragon, covering basic, Low Stress Handling Read More
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Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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