Category: training tricks

How to Train a Dog to Play Fetch

December 8, 2011

Here is a video demonstrating how to teach a dog to play fetch. This systematic method works well for dogs who do not like to pick things up or hold things in their mouth.

Training a Dog to Clean Up His Toys

November 16, 2011

Training a dog to clean up his toys is simple, especially if the dog already knows how to fetch. Watch as Jonesy learns to put his toys into a box.

Target Training Kittens

August 23, 2010

Target training kittens is simple if you follow the instructions provided in this video. This kitten picked it up in about 5 minutes.

Shaping Behaviors: Teach Your Dog to Somersault

August 23, 2010

Want to teach your dog a fun trick that most dogs won’t know? Teach your dog to somersault! Using a target and some tasty treats, Zoe the australian cattle dog learns how to do a somersault.

Dog Gets Kleenex: Jonesy Says Gesundheit

August 23, 2010

Dog Gets Kleenex: Jonesy Says Gesundheit is a cute example of a trick that can be shaped. If your dog already knows how to fetch, substituting a kleenex and adding a cue is simple.

Funny Dog Tricks: Jack Russell Terrier Karate Kicks

August 23, 2010

Here is one of many funny dog tricks that you can teach your dog. Jonesy the jack russell terrier can karate kick!

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