Category: dog aggression

Dog Bite Prevention PSA: Why Dogs Bite and What to Avoid

May 13, 2011

Understanding dogs is essential for Dog Bite Prevention. This video illustrates why so many people are bitten by dogs every year. In this animation, a child approaches a dog even when the dog shows signs of fear and avoidance. Watch to see the signs of fear.

Dog Bites: Why Bandit Bites

August 23, 2010

Dog bites are a common occurrence in the United States. This is sometimes due to people misreading a dog’s signal. Watch what signals Bandit the pekingese gives and learn to identify some warning signs that a dog is about to snap.

How to Avoid Dog Bites

August 23, 2010

Learn how to avoid dog bites, whether from fearful dogs or playful puppies. Dogs can bite for many reasons, so its important to know how to read their body language and act appropriately in order to avoid getting hurt.

Podee is Dog Aggressive

August 23, 2010

Podee is dog aggressive. Watch how Dr Sophia Yin trains Podee to perform behaviors around other dogs in order for him to form a positive association. She uses the basic Say Please by Sitting exercise and turns it into a fun game.

Aggressive Behavior in Dogs: Mollie’s Bad With Other Dogs

August 23, 2010

Watch how Dr Sophia Yin approaches aggressive behavior in dogs. See how she uses the Say Please by Sitting exercise to help Mollie’s owners control her around other dogs.

Training Aggression? Counter-conditioning a Dog to Blowing in Face

August 23, 2010

If you reward a dog for growling, are you training aggression? Homer the jack russell terrier becomes aggressive whenever anyone blows in his face. Watch what happens when he get rewarded for this behavior.

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