Category: Dog

Dog Bite Prevention PSA: Why Dogs Bite and What to Avoid

May 13, 2011

Understanding dogs is essential for Dog Bite Prevention. This video illustrates why so many people are bitten by dogs every year. In this animation, a child approaches a dog even when the dog shows signs of fear and avoidance. Watch to see the signs of fear.

Jack Russell Terrier Plays with his Food Puzzle

March 22, 2011

In this video, Jonesy, the Jack Russell Terrier plays with his food puzzle and skillfully and quickly extracts his kibble from each of the hiding spots.

Appropriate Dog Play - Jonesy & Ryder

March 1, 2011

It’s fun and beneficial for dogs to play but not all play is appropriate. This video demonstrates appropriate dog play and points out what to look for and encourage.

Training Dogs to Sit: Say Please By Sitting

August 23, 2010

Training dogs to sit by having them “Say Please by Sitting” automatically is the foundation exercise for training focused, calm behavior. It is the primary exercise in Dr. Yin’s Learn to Earn program. Watch how words are not needed. Its your actions (rewarding at the right time) that is important.

Training Dogs to Sit: Say Please Part II

August 23, 2010

Training dogs to sit by having them “Say Please by Sitting” automatically is the foundation exercise for training focused, calm behavior. It is the primary exercise in Dr. Sophia Yin’s Learn to Earn program.

Dog Bites: Why Bandit Bites

August 23, 2010

Dog bites are a common occurrence in the United States. This is sometimes due to people misreading a dog’s signal. Watch what signals Bandit the pekingese gives and learn to identify some warning signs that a dog is about to snap.

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification

Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.

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