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Category: I am a Shelter Worker
Aggression Between Familiar Dogs
Aggression between familiar dogs in the same household is a common occurrence and is one of the most common reasons that dogs are surrendered, rehomed, or euthanized. This aggression can be secondary to high arousal or excitement levels. When a fight occurs, damage to the relationship between the dogs can be difficult to repair. There are a variety of factors that need to be considered when determining the future relationship between these dogs. For instance, aggression between female dogs is reported to be the most common and is the most difficult to treat due to the severity of injuries and
Human Directed Aggression in Cats
•If you have ever had your cat snuggle up to you on the couch then nip at your hand when you try to pet them, you are not alone. This is just one scenario in which some cats have shown aggression to their owners. Many other situations can lead to cats swatting, scratching, or trying to bite their human partners. While these are unwanted behaviors from our feline friends, there are often logical explanations for their actions. Trying to stop the aggression starts with understanding when and why it might be happening. Then, you can determine how to approach the
Fear and Fear-related Aggression in Dogs
•What is Fear? Fear is a natural emotion that causes an animal to avoid situations and activities that may be dangerous. What or who the pet perceives to be dangerous may not be the same as the person’s perception, and can be independent of actual bodily risk. However, pets act on what they perceive. What is Anxiety? Anxiety is the anticipation of future danger that may be unknown, imagined, or real. It can result in the body responding as it does when the animal is afraid. What is Stress? Stress is the body’s physiologic response triggered by anxiety and fear.
Applying Eye Drops with Low Stress Handling™
•At some point in many dogs’ lives, they will require eye drops. This might be a one-time event to examine the eye or it may be multiple times per day to treat chronic disease. Regardless of the cause, applying eyedrops need not be a struggle for you or the pet, whether at home or in a clinic setting. The same approach works in both places. Gather everything you need: A comfortable place for you and the pet. For small pets this might be on a table, on a chair, or even on your lap if the pet is comfortable there.
Clear Communication When Leash Walking
•Clear communication is key to a quick, hassle-free walk from the parking lot to the hospital. Clear guidance increases the dog’s confidence as well as increases the dog’s ability to cooperate. A few techniques to improve leash walking when moving patients …
Four on the Floor – How to Stop Impulsive Jumping Up in the Older Puppy or Rescue
•Follow these steps to stop an older puppy jumping on you during exams, and demonstrate how to get the dog to learn pets only happened when all paws are “4 on the floor”.

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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