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Category: I am a Shelter Worker
Resource Guarding in Dogs
•What is resource guarding and why does it occur? Resource guarding is a relatively common behavior problem in dogs. It is defined as a dog using avoidance, threatening, or aggressive behaviors to retain control of food or other items in front of a person or other animal. Sometimes, the signs of resource guarding are subtle. In these cases, your dog may show avoidance behavior or mild signs of aggression and anxiety such as stiff or crouched body posture, pinned back ears, lip licking, and physically blocking access to the resource. The aggression may escalate to more severe and overt signs
How to Stop Pulling
•Why do dogs pull when leashed? Leash pulling is a common complaint among dog owners. Why do they do it? The world is an exciting place full of new scents, sights, sounds, playmates, etc. Leash pulling is a self-reinforcing behavior, which means that when the dog pulls, they get to go where they want, which is not necessarily where you want to go. Since the behavior works, the dog is likely to continue doing it. What do you want instead? Picture what you would like your dog to do, instead of pulling. For most people, teaching their dog to walk
Desensitizing Your Dog to a Muzzle
•Why use a muzzle? Comfortably wearing a muzzle is a great skill for any dog to have. Chances are it will be necessary to wear one at some point during their life. The veterinary hospital is the most common place a muzzle may be needed. Some veterinary procedures are painful and having a dog who is comfortable wearing a muzzle is beneficial. Acute abdominal pain, trauma (such as a broken leg), or back pain are examples of issues an owner may encounter at home with their dog that can be extremely painful. Any dog has the potential to bite and
Storm and Other Noise Phobias
Storm phobia, or fear of storms, is a common behavior in dogs. A magic pill to treat a noise or storm phobia does not exist. Treatment involves a combination of environmental management, behavior modification, and medication.
Leash Reactivity in Dogs
•Reactivity is a dog’s response to something in their environment which is triggered by anxiety, fear, or frustration. As much as reactivity can occur in different environments, it is commonly observed when a dog is restricted to being on leash. There is no quick fix when it comes to reducing leash reactivity. Have patience for your dog and the learning process.
Nail Boards: An Alternative to Clipping Nails
•Many dogs do not like having their nails trimmed and some are outright petrified. Dogs can be taught to file their own nails using a nail board. Dogs learn to scratch on the board using a scratching or digging motion. Nail boards can be purchased or hand made using a board, duct tape, and coarse or medium sandpaper. Learning to use the Nail Board Dogs learn quickly how to use a nail board with minimal training. You shape the behavior by breaking down the completed behavior of scratching the board into smaller steps, rewarding your dog for completing each step.

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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