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Category: I am a Pet Owner
Heavenly Greens Synthetic Turf: Making Life with Dogs That Much Easier
•As many of you know, I recently moved to a new house that is perfect for me and my pets. Actually, I mean almost perfect. There was one major change I had to make and that was to fix the grass. It turns out that dogs, plus grass, plus a year-round need to take photos and videos in the yard with the dogs and grass, equal a “not likely.” In the past, it seemed like every time we needed to take photos, the lawn was either a healthy green with brown polka dots, or it had big mud spots. Or
Become More Exciting Than a Squirrel: Teaching a Reliable Come When Called
•If you’re like the general population, your dog has a decent or so-so come when called in the house, but outside in the yard or at the park, you might experiences something like this: “My dog doesn’t really like to run to me when I call her,” says one reader of this blog. “She prefers to search for food and find things than run around at the park. I’m too nervous to let her off leash because her recall is not good yet.” This reader has the right idea. She’s keeping her dog on a long leash at the park
Learn to Earn Program – Frequently Asked Questions
•In the first two blogs, we covered the benefits as well as the steps for carrying out this impulse control and leadership developing program. If you’ve started or are thinking about starting this program you may have some specific questions. Here are answers to the most common of those questions. For a step-by-step photo-illustrated version of this program, view Perfect Puppy in 7 Days. What if my dog is not “motivated” for his food? He’ll eat it out of his bowl when he feels like it, but he’s not hungry when I want to use food for training. Dogs who get their
Regular Leash vs. Hands-free Waist Leash: Which is Safer When Your Dog Pulls?
•If however, the leash is around your waist and the dog pulls, because your waist is close to your center of gravity, you’re more likely to stay on your feet, especially if you bend your legs and lower your body a little (not shown here). Real Leash vs Hands Free In addition, with this particular Buddy System leash (http://www.buddysys.com), you can detach the leash if you want so that the dog is released. Real Leash vs Hands Free
Dante Meows Too Much: How I Stopped the Incessant Meowing
•Anyone who owns a Bengal cat knows they can be Herculean meowers, and Sophia’s Bengal cat, Dante, was no exception. He could easily hold a meow for at least five minutes. When first adopted, Sophia ignored his meowing and pretended that he didn’t exist, only rewarding him with petting or treats when he was quiet (hint, this works way better if you’ve first spent a day or so rewarding them at least fifty times for sitting quietly first). Dante quickly learned to be quiet but since meowing incessantly is in his genes, a sudden change in environment would occasionally bring
Which Types of Collars and Harnesses are Safe for Your Dog?
•Dogs come in to the veterinary hospital and to our various handling labs wearing a variety of collars and harnesses. While all of these collars and harnesses are sold online or in stores, some are not necessarily healthy or safe for all dogs. In this article, I provide a summary of the pros and cons of some of the various collars and harnesses for dogs. Rolled or flat collars Martingales Choke chains Pinch collars Front-attaching harnesses: Easy Walk Harness, Walk-in-Sync Harness, Freedom Harness. Head halters: Gentle Leader, Snootloop Flat and Rolled Collars Flat Collar Flat collars provide an easy

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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