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Category: I am a Pet Owner
Common Questions about the Treat & Train®: How a Corgi Taught Her Owners How Valuable This Tool Can Be
•When people hear about the Treat&Train®, they frequently ask similar questions. How can the Treat&Train help me train my dog to be calm? Why would I want to use a machine to deliver treats instead of giving them myself by hand? Can I use the device if I have multiple dogs in the house? Here’s one set of pet parents to a spunky Pembroke Welsh Corgi who learned the answer to all three of these questions when they tried the Treat&Train® with their high energy pup. “We have a high-energy dog who had trouble calming down, states owner Jennifer Lundmark.
Thundershirt® Allows Cat to have a Positive Veterinary Hospital Visit
Whether your cat’s as shy in public as a student with stage fright, or enjoys being the center of attention, chances are still good that a trip to the veterinary hospital has him retreating into his shell. According to the Bayer veterinary care usage study funded by Bayer HealthCare LLC, Animal Health Division, fear and stress prompt 39% of owners to take their cats to the vet hospital only in cases of emergencies, and 37.6% of owners feel stressed just thinking about going to the vet. This fear of veterinary visits can be prevented early on by proactively providing kittens with many
Adopting a Dog: Some Dogs are Easier Than Others
•Have you heard this statement from so many people that it seems like it’s an epidemic? “We had a Labrador mix when I was a kid and he was perfect. How come our new dog is so much harder? Is it the inbreeding?” Or does the statement go more like this, “We got Lucky from the shelter and she’s so calm. Then we adopted Nero 2 years later as a playmate for her. He’s the same breed and age that she is, but he’s just hyper and crazy! We don’t know what to do with him! The problem here is
My Dog Knows Some Walking Exercises: How to Incorporate Them Into a Walk
•You’ve already learned a number of exercises that are important for taking your dog on a walk. You’ve learned the following foundation exercises: Repeat sits backwards which you can use to first get your dog focused on you and also when there are big distractions such as people your dog wants to leap towards and jump on. (Watch Say Please By Sitting) Repeat sits on the left side (heel side) to turn running and suddenly stopping and sitting into a game. Proper speed to walk to help your dog understand where you want him to go as well as
Walk on Loose Leash, Part 1: Choose the Right Walking Pace and Make It Clear Pulling Doesn’t Work
•You’ve probably heard the talk about how humans with dogs are healthier because they exercise more. A number of scientific studies support this statement; however, what those articles fail to mention is that if your dog drags you, lunges, or tangles you in the leash, those walks may not be that fun. To improve your dog’s behavior and the enjoyment for both of you, here are a few tips on training your puppy or adult dog to walk at your side. Why do dogs pull on leash? First, it’s important to know that dogs pull on leash because it gets
Exercising with Your Dog: A 7 Minute New Year’s Exercise Routine for You and Your Dog
•It’s the New Year and no doubt many have vowed to exercise and get into shape. But when you wake up in the morning do you look at your dog and feel guilty that you’re working out instead of playing with him? Well, here’s a short and easy indoor workout routine that includes treats and training for your dog and exercise for you. It’s a set of short warm-up, balance and conditioning exercise that you can do up to 7 days a week either as a way to ease into the day or as a prelude to a more rigorous

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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