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Category: Articles By Dr. Sophia Yin
Behind the Scenes at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, IL
•All in all it was a magical hour and a half. I highly recommend that everyone who visits Chicago visit the Shedd Aquarium. It will give you a new appreciation for the husbandry training that can and should be done in all zoos.
Low Stress Handling Lab in Chicago at Narnia Pet Behavior and Training
•Narnia Laura Monaco Torello’s ridgeback puppy is having a great time during the handling lab. This weekend featured another successful workshop and low stress handling lab in Chicago at Narnia Pet, a fantastic positive-reinforcement based dog-training facility. While I have held most of these labs for veterinarians and their staff, most of the attendees at this lab were dog trainers, groomers, doggie daycare providers, as well as some veterinary hospital staff. With 9 little dogs and 8 large dogs participating, each team of three to four humans got plenty of practice while keeping the dogs
Bat Rabies Alert
•As of 9/16/10, the Veterinary Public Health & Rabies Control Program has detected 15 rabid bats in Los Angeles County this year, with eight found in the Santa Clarita Valley. In most years, only about ten rabid bats are detected for the entire year. The only other year with a higher number of rabid bats detected was 2007 when 24 rabid bats were identified. This year, most of the rabid bats were found in and around homes, and in two cases, dogs were found playing with the live bat. The pets were revaccinated against rabies and quarantine at home for
Dog Park Etiquette
•These dogs are displaying appropriate, well-mannered greeting behavior. You’ve owned dogs for ages, you have pets galore. You know all the stories, they’re now just a bore. But have you heard the one about Dennis? Dennis, the Dog Park Menace? Rumor has it he’s at every park. He comes in many disguises making him easy to miss. Here’s how he might appear. The dogs are playing, each a brown or black blur When off in the distance appears a mass of white fur. The ball of white bounces, looming larger and clear Then Splat! A squashed Scottie dog yelps out
A Successful Behavior Technician Conference at the Oquendo Center in Las Vegas
•I just got back from the Society of Veterinary Behavior Technicians’ First Annual Behavior Conference at the Oquendo Center in Las Vegas. Over forty-five technicians plus a few practice managers and dog trainers made the trek to this inaugural event. It was a smashing success. I was honored to be one of the chosen speakers, along with Monique Feyrecilde, LVT, Sherri Yschak, RVT, Ginny Price, MS, CVT, VTS (Behavior) and with labs presented by Terry Ryan and Marcia Rafter Ritchie, VTS (Behavior), CPDT. While many of you have attended tons of veterinary or training seminars, I have to tell you that there

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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