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Puppy Play Biting Leads to Marks on Hands and Arms

May 13, 2009

Question: My Havanese puppy loves to nip my heels and the backs of my legs. When I stand like a tree, he pulls my jeans or nips my legs and then stops. I praise him and give him a treat when he sits and stops pulling at my jeans or nipping my legs. However, no sooner do I move again, he repeats his behavior. He also likes to nip my hands and arms. I am trying to teach him to kiss me instead of nip me but that is not working so well either. When he kisses me, I reward

Students and Veterinarians Learn Low Stress Veterinary Handling

April 27, 2009

Madison, Wisconsin, April 25, 2009. It’s a quiet, gray day outside in Madison, Wisconsin, but inside, the room’s abuzz. Fifteen dogs of various sizes are being handled by veterinarians and veterinary students in the Happy Pets, Happy Vets behavior and low stress handling workshop. The workshop, organized by the Behavior Club at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin is my first symposium in Wisconsin. The event, consisting of a full-day lecture and half-day lab is so popular that it has to be held at a larger venue, an off-sight hotel. And a number of lecture participants are wait-listed

A Foolproof Plan for Potty Training Puppies

April 24, 2009

One of the most trying tasks associated with having a puppy is potty training. Some people think that potty training is as easy as just keeping the pup on a regular eating, drinking and potty-outing schedule where he is taken out every several hours. Here’s what’s really required for foolproof potty training—it’s not an easy task. This rigid routine must be carried out consistently for several months and without accidents for several weeks before it’s set.

Having a Dog in the White House Can Be as Complicated as Foreign Policy

April 13, 2009

When the Obamas announced in November that they would be getting a puppy for Sasha and Malia the whole world breathed a collective “aww” and envisioned the presidential kids carrying the young pup around like a doll. Well, the Obamas have officially announced the big reveal. Their new four-legged family member is a male Portuguese Water Dog named Bo. Bo is 6 months old rather than being under 16 weeks. He’s already too big to be carried around by Sasha and Malia, but he’s just the right size to be cuddled by everyone in the family. Some people might be

Distinguishing Asian and African Elephants

April 12, 2009

There are two different types of elephants, Asian and African. Up until my visit to Have Trunk Will Travel, I could never tell the difference. But Kari Johnson gave me a fool-proof method. Now I can’t believe I couldn’t distinguish between the two in the past. Asian elephants have a humped back whereas African elephants have a sway back. You probably also notice from the photos that Asian elephants have shorter trunks, wider legs, and their leg does not taper much above the foot. Asian elephants have a bilobed forehead whereas Africans have domed head. ElephantsHTWT3-19-09-31326 ElephantsHTWT3-19-09-31326 Asian elephants have a

Dog Eats Chocolate: Case of Chico and Cadbury Chocolates

April 5, 2009

Easter is typically a time when families come together and participate in numerous traditions. For some this means going to church. For others the focal point is the Easter egg hunt and Easter baskets. But for one little dog representing a not-so-unusual case, it involved some Cadbury chocolates and a veterinary visit. It was the day after Easter, and while his owners were out, Chico the scrappy fox terrier was planning an hour of mischief. Finally, his chance had come to examine the previous day’s delivery. One by one he plucked the morsels from their bright yellow baskets. It was

Looking for certifications instead?

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification

Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.

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