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Tips for Traveling with Pets

January 6, 2011

Here are some tips to make traveling with your pet safe and enjoyable.

Get Fit with Your Dog: My New Year’s Day Dog-Human Exercise Workout

January 2, 2011

Every year members of the Golden Valley Harrier Running Club, to which I belong, start the New Year with a major fat burning event – an 18+ mile trail run. Well, I ventured on this run two years ago with Jonesy, my Jack Russell Terrier. He fared well. In fact, he probably ran 20 miles and had plenty of energy the rest of the day for other activities such as fetch. My legs however, were sore for days due to the several miles of downhill running right at the start. That and the fact that the longest I’d run in

Parrots for Pets

December 29, 2010

What looks cute and charming when it belongs to a friend, but transforms into a screaming, food-throwing test of patience when it belongs to you? A five year old child? No, a parrot; one of the most demanding pets a person can own. According to Dr. Irene Pepperberg, adjunct associate professor at the Dept. of Psychology, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA., “People often buy parrots because they think of them as low maintenance pets. They think they can put them in a cage, hang a toy, put in a bowl of seeds and that’s it. They don’t realize how intelligent these

Best Holiday Wishes from Dr. Yin

December 24, 2010

It’s one of the busiest times of year for most people. Everyone is running from store to store trying to find that perfect gift, hanging up lights, decorating the tree, and baking all sorts of yummy treats. With all that chaos going on, don’t forget about you four-legged loved ones. And no, I don’t mean to remember to wrap up a new bone for Rover or buy Kitty some catnip. The holidays bring a handful of hazards for your pets. Please take the time to read my previous blog Holiday Hazards that Can Ambush Your Pet and have a happy and safe

What to Do if Your Dog Raids the Litter Box

December 21, 2010

Question: We have a Boxer and a Lab. Both are 5 years old. They get into the cat litter and we can’t seem to break them of this habit. We have a covered box for the cats and keep the opening facing the wall but cannot keep them from actually turning the box and eating the poo. Definitely yucky! Do you have any suggestions? Answer: Newsflash! National pet food marketing firm reports, “Next to week old fish, decaying road kill, and napkins from a woman’s monthly you know what, dogs vote cat poop favorite flavor.” Yuck is right, because immediately

Smooch Your Pooch: A Cute Children’s Book with Unsafe Suggestions

December 13, 2010

If I were judging this book just on it’s overall cuteness and character, this book would get a top score. The cartoons are engaging, the rhymes catchy, and the overall message of “dogs are fun” is great. It’s clear that the intentions of the book are good. The authors are encouraging children to make the pet an active member of the family.  The problem is that a number of the recommendations are actually dangerous. In fact, the recommendation from which the book takes its title is the most dangerous recommendation of all. While the authors suggest to kids to, “Smooch

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