A group of stray dogs at what appears to be a trash dump

Q: We adopted a dog from a rescue group a few days ago, but they don’t want to hang out in the family room with the rest of us. What can we do?

A: New pets in the home need time to decompress and get to know their new life. The amount of time needed depends on that individual animal. Their age and background may also be a factor in their adjustment period. Consider what their lifestyle was like before you adopted them if you have that information. Were they:

  • On a long noisy transport with other dogs and species?
  • In a noisy, crowded shelter with strangers continually passing their space?
  • Part of a family for years, and now they are in a new home?
  • Living outside?

Regardless of their history, your house has different sounds, sights, smells, and routines than what they have previously known. They may not want to be touched; they may want to hide, and noises and sudden movements may scare them.

Small grey and white dog rests on a bright yellow mat behind a rusty chain link gate

Have a safe space that they can call their own so they can observe their world from a distance. Let them make the choice to approach you and avoid flooding their personal space to avoid social pressure. Set boundaries for the people and other animals in the house as well. Minimize company, especially with more than one or two people at a time, and they should also respect your pet’s space.

Maintain a routine at least for the first couple of months to provide predictability for your new pet: feed, exercise, and rest on a schedule. Exercise and play should be chosen according to the animal’s comfort level. If they are not ready to go for walks or play ball, food, puzzle toys, and mental enrichment, their safe space can be a great way to boost their confidence. Instead of starting training immediately and focusing on obedience, initiate Capturing Desirable Behaviors and reinforcing those behaviors your pet offers that you want to encourage. 

As family members move around the house, toss treats to the new pet in their safe space; this can create a positive association with their new people, noises, and activities. If the new pet enjoys being close to the family in some areas of the house but not others, consider if the animal is afraid of the stairs, a particular threshold, lighting changes between rooms, or the flooring material.

Lovely tri-colored dog sits before a screen door with a handlettered sign attached to their collar saying "HOME" while three dogs wait behind the door

Image courtesy of Pat Koven, BA, LVT, KPACTP, LSHC-S

If possible, try to find out from your new pet’s history what they have previously liked or disliked. This includes toys, bedding, games, food and treats. If there is little to no improvement, schedule a veterinary appointment for a thorough physical examination. They may also recommend a suitably certified trainer or board-certified veterinary behaviorist.