Category: Veterinary Professional

Low Stress Handling® Resources from CattleDog Publishing

As the discipline of reducing stress during veterinary care grows, it helps to have a place where you can find resources.  In this post, I have gathered the handouts, blog articles, book chapters, and on-line course content descriptions in one place to help you provide a better care experience for your patients. At my practice, Okaw Veterinary Clinic, I found that hanging a framed copy of both the dog and cat body language posters helped me and my staff recognize brewing fear and aggression before it escalated. The posters are available to purchase in packs of 100, which make great

Feline Enrichment at Indy Humane

As practices and shelters are looking to incorporate Low Stress Handling skills into their daily routines, our work at CattleDog Publishing continues to grow. I recently traveled to the Midwest to present full day seminars on Low Stress Handling. I had a wonderful group of DVM’s, technicians, trainers, and some of the staff from Indy Humane. Colleen Benson, the head of the behavior team at Indy Humane gave me a tour of the facility. It was there that I found Dr. Liz Rose busily hanging shelves, painting crates, and creating a “cat-astic” space for the adoptable cats. This wonderful area

Building A Low Stress Clinic

September 17, 2018I am a... Student Veterinary Professional

Featured Low Stress Handling Clinic:Zionsville Country Veterinary Clinic (Whitestown, IN) I met Dr. Shari Lyons many years ago at a women’s veterinary practice owners retreat in Louisville, Kentucky. I lost touch with her over the years, but we reconnected when she contacted me about bringing more Low Stress Handling® training into her clinic. As a way of kickstarting that process, she attended my first Master Class Weekend in Tuscola, IL, and she brought photos of her clinic, as attendees tend to do, to discuss ways to enhance the space for a less stressful veterinary experience. Her new clinic had been

CattleDog Booth Experience: What we learned, Who we met, and When we will be near you for 2018

CattleDog Publishing has just wrapped up a whirlwind of two major veterinary conferences in February of 2018. First, we were at the VMX (formerly known as NAVC) conference in Orlando, Florida for 4 days, then we exhibited at the Midwest Veterinary Conference in Columbus, Ohio for 3 days. These booth events provide a way for myself and our staff to personally talk to interested animal professionals about Low Stress Handling®. New this year is our wonderful backdrop for our booth and display stands to better show off the books and DVD products. Putting the backdrop together the first time was

Low Stress Emergency Care — Is it possible? Yes!

In this article I will address what techniques help reduce stress in emergency care, how you can achieve patient cooperation when you do not have the ability to use food rewards, address staff safety, and why the experience in an emergency setting affects an animal for all veterinary care.

Support Your Local Veterinary Practice

Over the past few years, various certification programs to reduce fear, anxiety, and aggression in animals receiving veterinary care have been established. Currently, four of the most well known of these programs are: Cat Friendly Practice® American Association of Feline Practitioners    Low Stress Handling® Certification CattleDog Publishing, founded by Dr. Sophia Yin    Karen Pryor Clicker Training Karen Pryor Academy         Fear Free℠ Fear Free, LLC, headed by Dr. Marty Becker      2018VMXLogo Other sources for learning how to reduce pet fear and aggression during veterinary care also exist, such as a

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification

Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.

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