Category: Trainer

My Dad Meets His Father’s Day Gift: An Australian Cattle Dog Puppy

It takes about 5 minutes to train a puppy to learn most new behaviors but how long does it take for that behavior to become a habit? When I started training Lucy, my Dad’s 8 week old Australian Cattle Dog I was hoping that not long. By then I had been training her for a week through the puppy learn to earn program (a.k.a. Creating the Perfect Pup in 7 Days) and she seemed virtually perfect. She would automatically sit to get petted, to get her leash on, to go out the door and come back in, and even when she greeted guests, including a

Jonesy’s Dog Agility Class Sept 11 2009

It was 100°F here today but that didn’t stop us from going to our foundations agility class. Or as I call it “Jonesy time.” Here’s Jonesy on the teeter. Over two years ago when he was 10 months of age and had been lliving with me for several months, I took several private lessons from a really good trainer, Cathy Leggett. Then I decided, Jonesy had more pressing behavioral issues and stopped agility until recently. We’re taking a weekly class now even though Jonesy knows a lot of the exercises already. I’m basically too lazy to practice unless we’re taking

Turn Fido into a Skateboarding Dog

Ever since that great video featuring Tyson the skateboarding bulldog hit it big on Youtube, skateboarding has become a standard dog trick that owners attempt to train. Most owners start by using some basic method of luring the dog onto the skateboard with a treat or pointing to the skateboard and hoping the dog will get on. If he does, then they praise and pet him like they would a child who has finally managed to ride a bike without the training wheels. They may even give the dog a treat. For some natural-born skateboarding dogs, this crude technique works.

Breed Ban or Better Pet Selection?

Originally appeared in SF Chronicle in 2005      

Can Anyone Train a Dog?

Question: Perfect Puppy in 7 Days With over 400 color photos, Perfect Puppy in 7 Days is a step-by-step recipe for potty training socializing, and providing your puppy with life skills. Dr. Yin’s approach guarentees proper bonding and communication skills to better prepare you pup for life! Hi Dr. Yin, your videos are great but you’re an expert! Will it work for someone like me who does not train dogs for a living? I really liked the Pepe one with the crate. What if the dog is not treat driven? That was great!! I’m getting a standard Poodle puppy in

Perfect Puppy in 7 Days: It All Started with the Father’s Day Gift

Perfect Puppy in 7 Days With over 400 color photos, Perfect Puppy in 7 Days is a step-by-step recipe for potty training socializing, and providing your puppy with life skills. Dr. Yin’s approach guarentees proper bonding and communication skills to better prepare you pup for life! During the summer of 2009 my dad declared he wanted an Australian Cattle Dog puppy—meaning he wanted me to get one for him and train it. Given that I live almost 100 miles from him that meant I really only had a week tops to start the training. Fast forward almost two years, and

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification

Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.

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