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Category: Trainer
Leash Walking Tips: Giving Correct Cues for Stopping
Have you ever been in a new city or location or situation and uncertain of where to go and the person who’s supposed to be guiding you keeps getting you mixed up? “This way,” they say as they walk forward slowly but while scanning the signs to the right and left. And then, “Wait no… this way.” And then, “Oops. I meant the other way instead.” If you have, I’m sure you remember the stress and frustration. Now ask yourself, do the dogs I walk at the veterinary hospital or shelter get mixed signals, too? Am I conveying an air
Support Your Local Veterinary Practice
•Over the past few years, various certification programs to reduce fear, anxiety, and aggression in animals receiving veterinary care have been established. Currently, four of the most well known of these programs are: Cat Friendly Practice® American Association of Feline Practitioners https://www.catvets.com/cfp/cfp Low Stress Handling® Certification CattleDog Publishing, founded by Dr. Sophia Yin https://lowstresshandling.com/ Karen Pryor Clicker Training Karen Pryor Academy https://www.karenpryoracademy.com/ Fear Free℠ Fear Free, LLC, headed by Dr. Marty Becker https://fearfreepets.com/courses/fear-free-certification-program/ 2018VMXLogo Other sources for learning how to reduce pet fear and aggression during veterinary care also exist, such as a
Low Stress Handling University – Official Launch
It’s Here!!! It’s Finally Here!!! You’ve been waiting months for it and now the Low Stress Handling® University is finally open to the public. After 2 months of watching and slicing videos (at least 4 – 5 times each), editing every word and sentence, planning color schemes, developing course organizations, designing curriculums to put those courses into, and running through every setting in the system at least 50 times, not to mention the nearly than 1,000 hours that it took to do all of this, we are proud to present the Low Stress Handling® University. LSHU-Student-Dashboard The Low Stress Handling® University (a service of CattleDog Publishing), is
Halloween Horrors – Barking at the Door
•Halloween is a fun holiday – for you humans. But from a dog’s perspective, however, it can be a little scary for us. Not only are our humans dressing strangely, but there are strangers at the door or in the house, and according to dog logic, that’s a good reason to start barking. It’s a natural reaction to stimuli, but not one the humans want, especially if they’re having visitors in the home. Here’s a step by step method our humans can use to train us on how to be calm when visitors are at the door.
What Does Low Stress Handling Mean For You?
•By now, you’ve probably heard all about the Low Stress Handling™ Certification Program. You know it’s got these videos you can watch that are… maybe all lectures or something? There might be books involved, but you know it exists. So, what is it, exactly? For Pet Guardians: This logo signifies that the people you are dealing with have spent a lot of time learning Dr. Yin’s methods for reducing stress in animals. They know how to hold a leash, how to offer treats and countercondition animals to having medical treatment, and the perfect way to do a medical wrap. What
Catching Criminals Through a Scent Line-up: Methods Improved Through Positive–Based Training
•In spring of 2011, the headlines in western Finland blared; “Man bludgeoned with hammer by four thugs and left in the forest to die”. Against all odds the victim was found by a woodsman and miraculously made it to the hospital where he was stabilized. It wasn’t a random incident; the man knew his attackers and the police were quickly able to take the four into custody. The police then coaxed the location of the weapon out of the suspects and found the hammer where the suspects said it would be—in a river, which would be walled

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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