Category: Pet Owner

Capturing Desirable Behaviors

By focusing on the desirable behaviors your dog does naturally rather than correcting the undesirable ones, you are building a stronger relationship without force or stress.

Preparing Puppies for Veterinary Visits

The veterinary hospital can be a scary environment for puppies. With a little bit of preparation at home, you can make veterinary visits low stress.

What Do My Dog’s Kisses and Rollover Really Mean?

January 15, 2023Ask LSH Dogs I am a... Pet Owner

You may believe when your dog licks you it is a sign of affection, but dogs usually do not show affection this way.

Choose Your Enrichment Wisely

Enrichment can be a useful tool in behavior modification. Food dispensing and puzzle toys are great substitutes for meal feeding.

Asking or Demanding: Cue vs Command

Giving your dog a cue supplies an opportunity to earn a reward. Ordering your dog to comply instead may cause avoidance or fear.

Why Is My Dog So Stubborn?

November 18, 2022Ask LSH Dogs I am a... Pet Owner

Why is my dog so stubborn and won’t listen to me?

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification

Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.

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