Category: I am a…

Dog Jumps Through Hoop: Part 1

It’s been a while since I’ve given an update on Lucy. In fact, I still have to go back and fill you in on all of the juicy details from last summer. In the meantime, I have her this week to work on a few issues that have been cropping up. Like training her that even though her owners (my dad) reward her for climbing in their lap, it’s really more fun for her to greet people by remaining seated or lying down. And that instead of barking at the random person walking by the car, if she’s quiet she

Piddling Pooches: Excited Urination in Dogs

Question: Our ten-month-old Cockapoo is adorable; however, he has a problem. Whenever he gets excited, especially when my grown children and grandchildren come over, he pees on them and on the floor. We try very hard to give him lots of attention and everyone greets him on arrival, but the peeing is quite extensive. It also occurs when I bring him to their homes. As soon as we walk in, he leaves a trail of urine. Are there some measures I can take to avoid the embarrassment and damage to the floors, shoes and pants? —BL in Napa Answer: Never

Calaveras Man Killed by Pitbulls: A Lesson about Pitbulls or About What Not to Do with Dogs?

Local news reports, “A Mountain Ranch man was mauled to death by two pit bulls late Sunday afternoon. The dogs belonged to a friend of the victim who was staying on his property. According to one newscast, the dogs were known to be territorial. They barked, growled and lunged at people from within their confined area. However the person interviewed stated that no one expected this. On the other hand, the opinion of some readers is that the outcome was obvious and the clear consequence is that pit bulls should be banned. Whether you love pit bulls or wish they

Dog Potties in the House: Is My Male Shih Tzu Just Being a S***?

Reader Question: We have two male Shih Tzus. One is 5 years (Kili), the other 4 years (Buddy).  Buddy will pee in the house even if we have just witnessed him peeing outside.  He appears to do it because he’s mad or lazy.  Every carpet in my house has been ruined and some of the antiques, also which he has peed on.  He is very sneaky about doing it within minutes after we’ve left a room.  He has access to the outdoors at all times through a doggy door.  I am at my wits end and ready to send him

Teaching Your Dog to “Come When Called”

The problem with speaking English instead of using made-up words is that we assume our pets know what we mean. We say, “Sit” and expect Fido to drop his derrier, but the command Fido’s learned is “sit, sit, sit, SIT!” Then once he’s done the deed, we praise with “Goodsit,” when just “Good” would do, thinking that Fido understands that “good” modifies the word “sit.” Do we think “Gooddown,” or “Goodstay” would cause him to walk away confused, or that “Goodgirl” would cause a boy bowser to develop a gender identity problem? These minor language misconceptions probably seem moot, however,

Cat Bites When Petted: When Purr Turns to Bite, Fangs for the Memories

Question: I’ve taken in a stray cat that’s about one year old and has been spayed. She’s very affectionate; however, sometimes when I pet her she either bites or scratches me. How can I stop her from doing this? Answer: Have you heard the joke about the patient who visits the doctor? The patient comes in and asks, “Hey Doc. My arm hurts when I lift it like this. What should I do?” The doctor replies, “Don’t do that.” Sounds silly, but the same advice goes here. If your cat bites and scratches when you pet her, don’t pet her.

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification

Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.

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