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CattleDog Booth Experience: What we learned, Who we met, and When we will be near you for 2018
•CattleDog Publishing has just wrapped up a whirlwind of two major veterinary conferences in February of 2018. First, we were at the VMX (formerly known as NAVC) conference in Orlando, Florida for 4 days, then we exhibited at the Midwest Veterinary Conference in Columbus, Ohio for 3 days. These booth events provide a way for myself and our staff to personally talk to interested animal professionals about Low Stress Handling®. New this year is our wonderful backdrop for our booth and display stands to better show off the books and DVD products. Putting the backdrop together the first time was
Low Stress Emergency Care — Is it possible? Yes!
•In this article I will address what techniques help reduce stress in emergency care, how you can achieve patient cooperation when you do not have the ability to use food rewards, address staff safety, and why the experience in an emergency setting affects an animal for all veterinary care.
Support Your Local Veterinary Practice
•Over the past few years, various certification programs to reduce fear, anxiety, and aggression in animals receiving veterinary care have been established. Currently, four of the most well known of these programs are: Cat Friendly Practice® American Association of Feline Practitioners https://www.catvets.com/cfp/cfp Low Stress Handling® Certification CattleDog Publishing, founded by Dr. Sophia Yin https://lowstresshandling.com/ Karen Pryor Clicker Training Karen Pryor Academy https://www.karenpryoracademy.com/ Fear Free℠ Fear Free, LLC, headed by Dr. Marty Becker https://fearfreepets.com/courses/fear-free-certification-program/ 2018VMXLogo Other sources for learning how to reduce pet fear and aggression during veterinary care also exist, such as a
Tactile Learning & Low Stress Handling: The Step from Learning to Doing
•As I am leading handling labs in Low Stress Handling, I have come to realize the tremendous impact hands-on learning has to actually feeling confident using Low Stress handling techniques. This type of learning is also called tactile learning – because you literally feel the process of what you are learning.
Are You in a North/South Workplace?
•For some workplaces, changing animal care to a Low Stress culture has been an exciting change, with clear objectives and training. For other, a divide has erupted as Low Stress Handling™ techniques are resisted by some of the staff. As a speaker and writer promoting positive veterinary exams, I hear the frustration from those who experience the benefit of Low Stress Handling and find resistance to changing handling practices at their workplace. I want to share some insight into this problem and a few solutions.
Low Stress Handling University – Official Launch
It’s Here!!! It’s Finally Here!!! You’ve been waiting months for it and now the Low Stress Handling® University is finally open to the public. After 2 months of watching and slicing videos (at least 4 – 5 times each), editing every word and sentence, planning color schemes, developing course organizations, designing curriculums to put those courses into, and running through every setting in the system at least 50 times, not to mention the nearly than 1,000 hours that it took to do all of this, we are proud to present the Low Stress Handling® University. LSHU-Student-Dashboard The Low Stress Handling® University (a service of CattleDog Publishing), is
Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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