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Category: Reader Q&A
Leash Walking Tips: Giving Correct Cues for Stopping
Have you ever been in a new city or location or situation and uncertain of where to go and the person who’s supposed to be guiding you keeps getting you mixed up? “This way,” they say as they walk forward slowly but while scanning the signs to the right and left. And then, “Wait no… this way.” And then, “Oops. I meant the other way instead.” If you have, I’m sure you remember the stress and frustration. Now ask yourself, do the dogs I walk at the veterinary hospital or shelter get mixed signals, too? Am I conveying an air
We Have Puppies!!! Part 2
•I have to apologize as we fell a bit behind blogging about the pups. Here was what I was supposed to post 2+ weeks ago! I will have an update next week with pictures of them moving down to the “Livestock kennel”. 5/25/2018 Well, the puppies are now just over 5 weeks old and growing like weeds! Livestock Guardian Dog (LGD) Breeds are considered “giant” breeds and the pups grow very fast. At birth the entire litter averaged 1.3 lbs each (total litter weight of just under 12 lbs) and now, at 5 ½ weeks old, they are averaging over
We Have Puppies!!! (Part 1 of an Ongoing “Perfect Puppy” Series)
•In addition to my work at CattleDog Publishing, I am also involved (and have been most of my life) in rescuing and placing “Livestock Guardian Dog” breeds, in particular the rarer breeds. Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGDs) are dogs from specific breeds that have been used for thousands of years to protect livestock from predators such as bears and wolves. They live out with the flock or herd 24/7/365 and work without human guidance and little human intervention. 5/8/18 They were developed in what is known as Central Asia, likely close to where sheep and goats were domesticated, and from there
Low Stress Handling University – Official Launch
It’s Here!!! It’s Finally Here!!! You’ve been waiting months for it and now the Low Stress Handling® University is finally open to the public. After 2 months of watching and slicing videos (at least 4 – 5 times each), editing every word and sentence, planning color schemes, developing course organizations, designing curriculums to put those courses into, and running through every setting in the system at least 50 times, not to mention the nearly than 1,000 hours that it took to do all of this, we are proud to present the Low Stress Handling® University. LSHU-Student-Dashboard The Low Stress Handling® University (a service of CattleDog Publishing), is
Low Stress Handling® – From the Veterinary Technicians’ Perspective
•Every year hundreds of veterinarians, veterinary technicians, animal behaviorists, and others search for new and better ways to treat and train animals both in the veterinary practice and in the home. A few years ago pioneering animal behaviorist and veterinarian, Dr. Sophia Yin, developed a system for recognizing brewing fear and aggression, while reducing this through specific handling techniques that decrease stress by improving patient comfort and safety. The program: the Low Stress Handling™ Silver Certification. As of October 2016 the program has certified hundreds of individuals, clinics, hospitals, and other agencies. In trying to gauge the success of the Low Stress Handling™ Silver Certification program,
Pre-School for Dogs
•An interview with Amber Taylor, RVT. Broad Ripple Animal Clinic & Wellness Center has staff members that are trained animal behaviorists to offer comprehensive behavior services. They’ve decided to do this for the same reasons that CattleDog Publishing and DrSophiaYin.com were born: seeing so many animals put to sleep because of behavioral problems rather than disease or injury. They created a school for dogs called Bark Tutor, where they work with owners and their pets to help them be successful. Last year, Dr. Yin had the pleasure of conversing with Amber Taylor, RVT and practice manager, about their puppy program.

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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