Category: Dogs

Perfect Puppy in 7 Days: It All Started with the Father’s Day Gift

Perfect Puppy in 7 Days With over 400 color photos, Perfect Puppy in 7 Days is a step-by-step recipe for potty training socializing, and providing your puppy with life skills. Dr. Yin’s approach guarentees proper bonding and communication skills to better prepare you pup for life! During the summer of 2009 my dad declared he wanted an Australian Cattle Dog puppy—meaning he wanted me to get one for him and train it. Given that I live almost 100 miles from him that meant I really only had a week tops to start the training. Fast forward almost two years, and

Can Hand Rearing Your Puppy Lead to Dog Aggression?

Question: I have been raising a Rottweiler puppy since she was 1 week old. I’ve worked at a small animal practice for 5 years—and a breeder came to us with a 5 day old female puppy who’s hind leg was bitten off just above the tarsal joint by another dog– the breeder wanted her euthanized, but I asked for her to sign ownership to me and thankfully she did. She is now 11 weeks and I’m getting discouraged with her behavior. She continuously bites at your hands, arms, ankles, neck, etc., when she’s getting attention/ affection and being (gently) petted;

Three Cool Calm Dog Tricks

You know your dog is the coolest canine on the block. Want your friends and family members to know too? Whether your pooch is 7 weeks or 17 years old, he can learn flashy tricks and enjoy performing them too. Better yet, these tricks can also help train Fido to be calm. Bang (a.k.a: Lie on your side) Start with Fido lying down with his belly on the floor. The “trick” to this trick is training him to turn his head to the side so that he will shift his weight onto one hip without your having to physically position him

Handling Dominance Aggression in Dogs

For some dogs with a more aggressive personality, this life without leadership or predictable and consistent rules creates a furry monster who aggressively claims ownership to any resource – food, toys, sleeping places, access to attention – that he wants. Once Rover gets the rules you’ve conveyed to him through your actions, the weight of trying to be in charge or wondering how he should react will be lifted off his shoulders. Furthermore, once asking politely is Rover’s new habit, you’ll only reward him when you decide he should have the reward. That way you remain the one in control, but you’re doing so in a predictable and non-threatening way that helps him understand what you want and strengthens your relationship.

Startled Australian Cattle Dog Chases Bikes

Question: Hi Dr. Yin,My female 18 mos old ACD is getting better and better about responding to my commands when off leash. The biggest problem is her chasing of bikes (and sometimes runners). I think they startle her and then move so fast that she goes immediately into prey mode. How can I learn to teach her to ignore them? or at least stop and wait for my command when something so exciting is happening.thanks! Gwyn from Marin Answer: Gwyn, while many dogs chase bikes and runners (see article on Why Runners Steer Clear of Dogs), it’s definitely no surprise to

Dog Bite Prevention: How Kids and Adults Should Greet Dogs Safely

The Center for Disease Control estimates that 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year. Nearly 20% of those bitten seek medical attention and approximately 1000 victims per day require a visit to the hospital emergency room. Of those bitten, the most at risk are kids between 6–9 years of age. One way to prevent bites is for kids to learn how to greet and interact appropriately with dogs. The underlying cause: First off, it’s important for kids and adults to realize that some dogs are afraid of or uncomfortable with unfamiliar people. When we approach them, we think we look pretty

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification

Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.

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