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Category: Articles by Dr. Sophia Yin
Can Anyone Train a Dog?
Question: Perfect Puppy in 7 Days With over 400 color photos, Perfect Puppy in 7 Days is a step-by-step recipe for potty training socializing, and providing your puppy with life skills. Dr. Yin’s approach guarentees proper bonding and communication skills to better prepare you pup for life! Hi Dr. Yin, your videos are great but you’re an expert! Will it work for someone like me who does not train dogs for a living? I really liked the Pepe one with the crate. What if the dog is not treat driven? That was great!! I’m getting a standard Poodle puppy in
Perfect Puppy in 7 Days: It All Started with the Father’s Day Gift
Perfect Puppy in 7 Days With over 400 color photos, Perfect Puppy in 7 Days is a step-by-step recipe for potty training socializing, and providing your puppy with life skills. Dr. Yin’s approach guarentees proper bonding and communication skills to better prepare you pup for life! During the summer of 2009 my dad declared he wanted an Australian Cattle Dog puppy—meaning he wanted me to get one for him and train it. Given that I live almost 100 miles from him that meant I really only had a week tops to start the training. Fast forward almost two years, and
Technicians and Vets Learn Low Stress Animal Handling Techniques at the 2009 AVMA Conference
•“I wish someone had shown me this towel wrap technique before cats had scratched my arms for 13 years,” says technician Brandy Oates, a veteran at handling pets as she practices what I call the Burrito Wrap on a stuffed cat. She’s attending the Low Stress Dog and Cat Handling Lab at the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) conference in Seattle, Washington. While I have already taught this lab at a number of universities, including Colorado State University, UC Davis, and University of Wisconsin, this is the first time I’ve taught this particular lab at a national veterinary conference. Technicians
Can Hand Rearing Your Puppy Lead to Dog Aggression?
•Question: I have been raising a Rottweiler puppy since she was 1 week old. I’ve worked at a small animal practice for 5 years—and a breeder came to us with a 5 day old female puppy who’s hind leg was bitten off just above the tarsal joint by another dog– the breeder wanted her euthanized, but I asked for her to sign ownership to me and thankfully she did. She is now 11 weeks and I’m getting discouraged with her behavior. She continuously bites at your hands, arms, ankles, neck, etc., when she’s getting attention/ affection and being (gently) petted;
A Super Simple Method for Training Cat Tricks
•Have you ever wondered why lions and tigers and other wild cats on T.V. can learn so many tricks while all your domesticated house cat can do is sit and meow at you for her meals? Well, not surprisingly, our domesticated felines can learn cat tricks as quickly as their flashier television counterparts, once their humans learn a few basic training secrets. In fact, once you know the secrets, you’ll be able to train cat tricks like a pro. Here is the basic approach followed by a simple cat trick you can train. General Tips and Approach to Training Cat
Three Cool Calm Dog Tricks
•You know your dog is the coolest canine on the block. Want your friends and family members to know too? Whether your pooch is 7 weeks or 17 years old, he can learn flashy tricks and enjoy performing them too. Better yet, these tricks can also help train Fido to be calm. Bang (a.k.a: Lie on your side) Start with Fido lying down with his belly on the floor. The “trick” to this trick is training him to turn his head to the side so that he will shift his weight onto one hip without your having to physically position him
Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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