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Highlights from the Veterinary Behavior Symposium – Indianapolis, IN, July 20, 2017
Last weekend I attended the Veterinary Behavior Symposium – the conference of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists – held in conjunction with the American Veterinary Medical Association’s annual convention in Indianapolis, IN. CattleDog Publishing co-sponsored the symposium and our booth was well attended. It was great to see so many of my friends and people who supported Dr. Yin in her writing and publications at this meeting. What I always like about this meeting is the variety of presentations focused on advancing the science of animal behavior. Residents in veterinary behavior, veterinary behavior specialty technicians, and research scientists from
The Hidden Wounds of Our Canine Veterans – PTSD in Military Canines
I recently saw the movie Megan Leavey, a film about the real-life story of Marine Corporal Megan Leavey and her canine military dog, Rex, who worked together in Iraq. The movie focuses on Megan’s journey from boot camp to canine handler where she is assigned Rex. During their training and tour of duty in Iraq they are able to forge a bond which helps them to be successful at detecting weapons and explosives. On one particular mission, they both suffer injuries and are sent back to the United States for treatment and rehabilitation. Meghan, who has elected to not re-enlist, seeks
Low Stress Handling University – Official Launch
It’s Here!!! It’s Finally Here!!! You’ve been waiting months for it and now the Low Stress Handling® University is finally open to the public. After 2 months of watching and slicing videos (at least 4 – 5 times each), editing every word and sentence, planning color schemes, developing course organizations, designing curriculums to put those courses into, and running through every setting in the system at least 50 times, not to mention the nearly than 1,000 hours that it took to do all of this, we are proud to present the Low Stress Handling® University. LSHU-Student-Dashboard The Low Stress Handling® University (a service of CattleDog Publishing), is
The On Again/Off Again Litter Box User – Feline Idiopathic (Interstitial) Cystitis
Companion animal behavior consultants have a saying: “You better like cats who urinate outside of the litter box. This is the bread and butter of feline behavior.” Very true. A behaviorist is contacted not for the first or fifth offense, but later, after much damage has been done to the home. Recognizing how stress impacts the urinary system of cats, veterinarians turn to feline behaviorists to help reduce this stress, especially when Feline Idiopathic (Interstitial) Cystitis is diagnosed. Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC) is a physical, medical, and behavioral problem that results in on again/off again bouts of painful urination. Sudden onset
A Breakthrough in Epilepsy Treatment for Dogs
While some veterinary conditions have been helped by prescription diets, until now there has not yet been a diet specific for the epileptic patient. This diet is specifically made to be high in the medium-chain triglyceride fat which is important in brain cell function.
Finding a Place for Low Stress Handling® Within College Curriculums: Part 2
In part 2 of our 2 part series on incorporating Low Stress Handling® practices and techniques within college and university veterinary curriculum, we offer a short interview between CattleDog Publishing’s Executive Director, Dr. Sally Foote, and Assistant Professor at the Community Practice at Virginia Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Michael Nappier. In this interview, they discuss how Dr. Nappier and his staff have incorporated Dr. Sophia Yin’s Low Stress Handling® techniques not only into the curriculum for the students but also how the Community Practice as a whole has incorporated those same techniques. How do you incorporate Low Stress Handling™ into
Looking for certifications instead?

Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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