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Search results for: "nail trim"
Preparing Puppies for Veterinary Visits
•The veterinary hospital can be a scary environment for puppies. With a little bit of preparation at home, you can make veterinary visits low stress.
Shake a Paw for Nail Trims
•Teaching “shake a paw” is a fun trick and can be helpful for nail trims.
Stationing Your Dog for Nail Trims
•Stationing is beneficial for nail trims as well as veterinary and husbandry procedures. Training consent behaviors builds confidence, promotes force-free learning, and increases your pet’s cooperation.
Teaching Your Dog To Lie on Their Side for Nail Trims
•Training consent behaviors builds confidence, promotes force-free learning, and increases your pet’s cooperation.
What Is Cooperative Care in Veterinary Medicine?
•Animal behavior is a crucial aspect of veterinary care. Whether your pet has pain or just “ain’t doing right,” the pet’s behavior, body language, and overall demeanor is part of obtaining a thorough and precise physical examination. Without this type of examination, symptoms and diagnoses may be missed that could make or break the treatment plans. Without the ability to communicate, the pet may panic causing increased fear, stress, aggression, and anxiety that is associated with handling and restraint. When the veterinary staff is unable to successfully examine or handle a patient, it becomes a quality-of-life concern as the veterinary
Fear-related Aggression in Cats
•Just like us, cats feel fear, and their behavior changes in response to it. What makes one cat fearful or anxious may not make another one feel that way.
Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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