SKU: CRD-002

Product Card: The Small Animal Veterinary Nerdbook®

Distributed as packs of 25

Universities and veterinary corporations! Let your students and your veterinarians know about the perfect resource for their daily challenging cases. Great for general practitioners or specialty, the Nerdbook provides easy to read charts of medications, dosages, signalment and much more. The why, how, when, and where, found quickly and easily, right when you need it.


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Each order contains a pack of 25 product cards. Each card is:

5 in. x 7 in.

Full color front and back

High Gloss UV

14 pt. cardstock

Additional information

Weight 6 oz
Dimensions 7 × 5 × 0.375 in
Weight: 6 oz
Dimension: 7 × 5 × 0.375 in


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