The Feline Low Stress Handling® Certification Course is an in-depth program for veterinary professionals, aimed at creating a low-stress, safe, and supportive environment for feline patients. Emphasizing the unique needs of cats, this course provides veterinary teams with specialized knowledge and compassion-driven techniques that reduce stress, foster trust, and prioritize each cat’s comfort across their veterinary experience. Pain recognition, management, and treatment are highlighted as crucial elements to be addressed throughout visits, procedures, and hospitalization. Spanning five key modules, the course builds a strong foundation for handling and caring for cats during routine and emergency visits, minimizing stress, encouraging positive interactions, and reinforcing bonds with cat caregivers.
Overall Learning Objectives
- Identify key behavioral indicators of feline stress and pain and explain their significance in shaping handling approaches in veterinary settings.
- Summarize the principles and benefits of Low Stress Handling® techniques that reduce fear, anxiety, and frustration in feline patients during exams and procedures.
- Recognize effective pain assessment tools, such as the Feline Grimace Scale©, and explain their role in managing and treating pain in hospitalized cats.
- Explore the role of empathy in feline care and its impact on feline well-being and caregiver trust in a veterinary setting.
- Outline modifications to the veterinary environment that reduce stress for feline patients, such as noise control, lighting adjustments, and appropriate pheromone use.
- Characterize the elements of an individualized, empathy-based care plan tailored to each cat’s unique needs, fostering a supportive, low stress experience in veterinary care.