Below are a list of all of Dr. Sophia Yin’s original publications. Her parent company, CattleDog Publishing® is in the process of updating her work.
How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves
Yin S. TFH Publications, Inc: Neptune City, NJ. 2010
Perfect Puppy in 7 Days: How to Start Your Puppy Off Right
Yin S. CattleDog Publishing®: Davis, CA. 2011
The Small Animal Veterinary Nerdbook
Yin S. CattleDog Publishing®: Davis, CA. 2010
Low Stress Handling, Restraint and Behavior Modification of Dogs and Cats
Yin S. CattleDog Publishing®: Davis, CA. 2009
Research Journal Publications
Barking in domestic dogs: context specificity and individual identification
Yin S. McCowan B. Barking in domestic dogs: context specificity and individual identification. Animal Behaviour 2004;68:343-355.
A New Perspective on Barking in Dogs (Canis familiaris)
Yin S. A New Perspective on Barking in Dogs (Canis familaris). Journal of Comparative Psychology 2002;116:189-193.
Efficacy of a remote-controlled, positive-reinforcement, dog-training system for modifying problem behaviors exhibited when people arrive at the door
Yin, S, Fernandez, E, Richardson, E, Pagan, S, Snyder D. Efficacy of a remote-controlled positive reinforcement protocol for training dogs to behave at the door. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2008;113:123-138.
Veterinary Magazines
Clinical Report: Dealing with outdated behavior recommendations
Yin, S. Clinical Report: Dealing with outdated behavior recommendations. Veterinary Forum 2007: 24: 1,2

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