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Search results for: "nail trim"
Desensitization and Counterconditioning to Nail Trimmers for Cats
•How to help your cat get used to having their nails trimmed Start by putting the trimmers in a common area like your living room where your cat can choose to explore them at their pace. Putting treats around the nail trimmers can help to create more positive associations with them. If your cat will not go near the trimmers, feed them treats at a comfortable distance. Gradually decrease the distance between them and the nail trimmers. Next, have the nail trimmers nearby when you are interacting with your cat. This interaction may be a play session or a time
Nail Trims for Adult Cats
•Many cat owners never learned to trim their kitten’s nails and struggle with nail trims for their adult cat. To prevent scratches to people and furniture, as well as to decrease the potential of too long nails causing pain, difficulty walking, and other medical issues your cat’s nails will need to be trimmed from time to time. To make trimming your cat’s nails easy for you and acceptable for your cat will take time, patience, and rewards. There are several low stress handling methods that can be used to make it easier for you to trim nails, such as a
Nail Trims in Kittens
•Technique for Kittens If you have a kitten, your work starts now! Between three and nine weeks, kittens are at an important age for socialization. Now is the time to expose your kitten to other people, animals, and situations such as nail trims. Treats are the best rewards to use with your kitten. This will help them associate nail trims with a positive experience. Kitten on back Photo Courtesy of CattleDog Publishing First, figure out what position your kitten prefers. Choose a position that will keep your kitten at ease and that will allow you to
Behavior Supplements in Dogs and Cats
•Many colleagues and pet owners ask about the use of supplements in the treatment of behavioral issues. There is limited documented evidence on the use of these supplements, but to address this demand for information, here is what we know is being used and impressions from what experience and data are available.
Nail Boards: An Alternative to Clipping Nails
•Many dogs do not like having their nails trimmed and some are outright petrified. Dogs can be taught to file their own nails using a nail board. Dogs learn to scratch on the board using a scratching or digging motion. Nail boards can be purchased or hand made using a board, duct tape, and coarse or medium sandpaper. Learning to use the Nail Board Dogs learn quickly how to use a nail board with minimal training. You shape the behavior by breaking down the completed behavior of scratching the board into smaller steps, rewarding your dog for completing each step.
Human Directed Aggression in Cats
•If you have ever had your cat snuggle up to you on the couch then nip at your hand when you try to pet them, you are not alone. This is just one scenario in which some cats have shown aggression to their owners. Many other situations can lead to cats swatting, scratching, or trying to bite their human partners. While these are unwanted behaviors from our feline friends, there are often logical explanations for their actions. Trying to stop the aggression starts with understanding when and why it might be happening. Then, you can determine how to approach the
Low Stress Handling® Silver-Level Certification
Individual Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and employers the individual’s dedicated interest in Low Stress Handling®. Hospital Certification at this level demonstrates to clients and staff the hospital’s commitment to appropriately training staff in Low Stress Handling® methods.
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