How do I edit my account profile?

Step 1

After logging into the Low Stress Handling® University, select the three horizontal lime green lines in the top right hand corner.

Step 2

From there, a list will appear on the right side of the screen. Towards the bottom of the list, click on Profile.

Step 3

On the left side of the screen below your picture, name, username, email, and department are two buttons: Edit Profile and Change Password.

Step 4

If you click on the Edit Profile button, you will be able to change your phone number, address, job title, default language, company name, school, and hospital name.


If you click on the Change Password button, you may select a new password. Upon clicking Submit, this password will become effective immediately and will be required the next time you log in.

In order to change your name, username, or email address, email CattleDog Publishing® at [email protected] or call (530) 757-2383.

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